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Time's Up

::Senator T'Bagg disconnects from his call to Dr. t'Tamarak and turns to his aide::


t'Bagg> t'Leaves, time to go. Listen carefully, as I have planned for this day and everything is in place, you just need to follow my orders. The Senate has finally seen through all of my bluffs and blocks. They are on their way to pick me up. ::he raises a hand to keep t'Leaves from speaking:: Please, I always knew today was coming, so let me finish this so we can move quickly. ::he pulls a large case from inside his desk:: This is everything you will need. It has money, contact names and your new identity. I am sorry, but the name of t'Leaves is going to be linked to mine forever and the authorities won't stop hunting you. This is why I placed a body next door of a man who fits your general description and he will have all of your identity papers on him. Don't worry about his life, he has already died from the Adenoma variant, now he will serve a higher cause, by giving you time to get out of the city with your new name and life. The contacts I will provide for you have no idea who you really are or what we have done here, they only know of your new name, t'Bird, and that they all owe me huge debts that will be fully repaid when they assist you.


t'Bagg: ::stands and tut-tuts t'Leaves again:: Now stop being so emotional and inefficient, it just slows us down. I will not be coming with you, as the Senate will not be stopped by a body wearing my clothes, they will need me for interrogation and to make an example of. Don't worry about me, as there isn't much they can do to me, since I also have been infected with the Adenoma variant, so I don't have much time to live with my "shame." All I ask is that you remember what we have tried to do here and that you ignore, in your heart, all the evil, traitorous things they will say about me, especially once I am gone and unable to defend my honor.


t'Leaves> ::shouting over t'Bagg:: Senator, I just cannot let you do this! I will stay with you, I will carry on the work, we must...


::his tirade is cut short as t'Bagg fires a small dart pistol and his aide slumps to the floor::


t'Bagg> Yes, I thought as much, ahh to be so young and care SO deeply in lost causes. ::pressing a comm button:: Come in and get him.


::A Romulan Centurion enter the Senator's office and waits::


t'Bagg> ::hands the Centurion an envelope:: Leave his identity papers with me and take him and his case, here, off to your uncle's summer home. Tell your uncle that he needs to carry out my instructions in the envelope, to the letter. This will insure your rise in the Tal Shiar and clear your family's name once and for all, of the stain upon it. I remind both you and your uncle that I have many operatives who will be watching to be sure everything is done properly. If my people have any concern about what you do, they have their own instructions to disgrace and destroy your family. This is not a threat, Centurion, it is a promise.


::The Centurion nods and hands over t'Leaves' papers, takes his own, and departs the office with the aide and his suitcase, nodding as he goes::


t'Bagg>:: sits in his chair, exhausted and sweating:: (m) this would be easier if I wasn't dying ::small chuckle::


::He finally gets up and goes next door, to plant t'Leaves' papers on the imposter, laying on the couch::


t'Bagg> ::looking at the dead man:: You've got it easier, my friend, but I still owe you a great debt as your part in this eases my mind a great deal. ::he returns to his inner office and sits back down at his desk. He pulls out the special communicator he has used to talk to t'Tamarak and drops it into his personal disruptor box, so it is gone forever:: Now to await the sound of the boots, as they stomp up my stairs. Then again, I bet I won't hear a thing. Ahh yes, the wonders of the Secret Police. Yes, time's up.

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