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We Need To Talk

Keb, aka Centurion Vrena, stared blankly at her console. The stupid Romulan guard was still leering at her. She finally gave up trying to concentrate and stood up, glaring at the Romulan as she forcefully made her way over to Faldek.


Faldek, aka Centurion Taev, turned to see Vrena heading his way with a very not so nice look on her face. He turned to face her. "How's the research coming along, my dear?"


Keb shrugged, looking down at her feet. "I think they finally found something. I'm not much use right now." She looked back up at him with a somewhat softer expression, though still serious. "We need to talk, though."


Faldek grinned. "Is it something that can wait, or is it quite important?" He thought he knew what this was about and was not quite sure what to say if the specific topic arose. Faldek still hid his true expression, and stayed looking rather complacent.


Throwing a glance over her shoulder at T'Goon, Keb shook her head and dropped to a whisper. "Now." She gestured toward a corner a bit further away from the guard.


"Okay." Faldek followed her to the corner, almost in tow. He stopped once they arrived putting her in the corner so that t’Goon could not see her. "What's the matter?"


Honestly feeling a bit relieved safely away from T'Goon's eyes, Keb relaxed a little. "I love that you care so much about me, but I don't want you to threaten our mission just because some slovenly, leering letch glances in my direction."


"I do believe it was more than a glance. He may be as big as Brutus, if not bigger, but we both know they're both dumb as bulkheads. I was simply trying to create a distraction, something for him to focus on rather than watching everyone else." Faldek put his arms around her waist and looked into her eyes.


Keb blushed in a most un-Romulan fashion, smiling at him. "Even so. If he calls for backup..." She left her sentence unfinished.


"I do love you, you know."


"Oh, you do..." Faldek smiled and kissed her; he didn’t care who saw or what they might think. "I've been meaning to ask you, but with the mission and being as busy we have been over the past few months..." Faldek dropped to a single knee and looked up to Keb.


Keb looked down at him, a mixture of shock, love, and horror all at once. "What are you doing? I thought you were just...posturing--"


"I was and then it hit me, I really love you, and I want to make it... real." He had this look on his face almost like he was disappointed at her response, but tried not to show it. He began to slowly stand.


Shaking her head, she pushed his shoulders down again. "No--no--I...oh, I'm getting this all wrong..." She sank down to her knees so they were face to face.


He got a sort of confused look on his face and remained down low. "What do you mean?" Faldek steadied himself down on one knee again, staring Keb directly in her beautiful brown eyes.


Keb bit her lip, and then licked it, before responding. "I mean...if you're asking...yes. It's just not where I imagined it." She laughed nervously, reaching for his hand.


"To be honest... I was thinking of a better place, but I wanted to ask on Romulus, this place has some very breathtaking landscapes." Faldek reached into the bottom of his empty weapon holster and pulled out a ring. He lightly grabbed the hand she was reaching for him with and slipped the ring on her finger.


"At least you'll never forget the day I asked you marry me, but you can't tell the true story for about 20 years..."


Keb laughed, looking at her hand with the ring on it, sparkling in the laboratory lights. "We'll come up with something interesting to tell my folks back home." She leaned forward, kissing him softly.


Faldek stood up with her in the embrace. "I promise to behave unless he makes a move. I already have McFly's ok to take him out if I feel someone's life is in jeopardy. We should get back to work; we might be making a bit of a scene." He smiled and kissed her again.

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