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Is death but a window?

For the amount of activity going on, Sickbay seemed oddly quiet. The "survivors" were slowly being in-processed by the "deceased". It sounded much like an episode of that late 20th century fictional human horror series named "The Twilight Zone." On his short time on Earth, Jryd had grown to like the odd and generally inexplicable premises of that show. Never did he expect to be caught up in a situation that mirrored the almost absurd nature of one of those episodes.




But, there he was, along with Annabelle, Commander Schwansee, the two senior doctors, and a host of others being treated like they were the oddities to come out of this situation. Jryd suppressed a grin, as he was too confused to even feel confused. He could only imagine the conversation that would be going on between the Reaent and the 40 plus Akira-class vessels floating nearby, all of whom most assuredly saw the same thing that he and the rest of the "survivors" saw.




His eyes met with those of one of the security guards, a young human female enlistee, probably as new as Jyrd himself was to the Reaent. Aside from the same apprehensive confusion which prevailed amongst most of the "deceased", she stood there at her post with a seemingly nonchalant "business-as-usual" attitude. He stared intently into her eyes for a long second, wondering if this young woman would ever know just how real her death was just 15 minutes ago, if she would ever realize that her continued existence was explicable only through the some merciful act of the gods.




Her eyes quickly flashed away, seemingly uncomfortable with Jyrd's silent assessment of her mortality. Turning back to the silent commotion of sickbay proper, Jyrd could see a nurse motion him to a recently vacated bio-bed.




The gods had smiled upon the Reaent today, bringing her back from the ashes, as if she was meant to continue to serve some undiscovered purpose. He suddenly recalled his Klingon roommate from San Francisco , Glarok, House of Ko'r. He could hear Glarok's voice in his head, and the words he uttered before the duo entered the simulator to conduct the infamous Kobiyashi Maru scenario. "Today, my brother, is a good day to die!"




"Obviously not, Glarok" he thought to himself. "Obviously not."

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