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Arch Angel

A Time To Heal

A Time To Heal


Personal Log: Angelis,John,A.,Lt.,Cag, U.S.S. Reaent NCC-3345-G


The fighter bays are empty now with the only exception of the security posted at various points to secure the fighter craft. My final inspection and tour of the department and crafts have confirmed the reports from Mr.Nansk on the repairs and refits on the craft along with the proper placards in place.


The previous conversation we had in the Op's office revealed a deep concern from his point of view as it relates to morale from the flight crews. I have attempted to place his concerns at ease with a plausible explanation. I will apparently have to make an example when the crews return as to why proper documentation and placards are so very important.


The conversation as well reminded me of another young dedicated officer when he came aboard...has it been that long?. The time has flown by since we were all under the command of Zafira...our previous Air Boss. I can still hear his commands and counsel in my minds eye, Truly there has been none better. The way he expected no less than absolute dedication and performance from the pilots.


Zafira was a stern Commander...all the while his primary concern was for the ship and crews of the fighter division. All the T's had to be crossed and all the I's had to be dotted and he would not accept any less. Stern yes,compassionate..yes,unwavering in his dedication to this ship and his pilots...yes. The Commander was as well fair and willing to do anything his men were expected to do.


The memories of past campaigns are still as fresh as if they were yesterday and the way this division handled them. We have been in similar situations before...however we have not been in the physical condition we are now presently. The major difference is our collective damage and losses incurred while on this voyage.


The corridors are replete with scarred and scorched reminders of just what this Grand Dame and crew have been through...the list of casualties is at an all time high throughout the ship. The numbers indicate an exceedingly high casualty rate for even the Reaent to have obtained. The numbers as well bear cold witness to the lives they either represented, or the lives now permanently scarred and changed forever.


The pilots and officers lounge is a constant reminder to any pilot worth his/her salt the real cost we have suffered as the numbers of pictures on the bar wall have increased horribly. The pictures represent to any Commanding officer his losses in a way personally few can understand until they have had to sit late at night and compose the letters to the survivors back on what ever planet they had called home.


The letters to inform them their loved one had died in the line of duty...sacrificing his/her life for the survival of the ship and crew,and the best example of sacrifice and duty to the UFP. The thoughts and concerns each and every mission brings along with the potential loss of lives is a subject Commander Zafira shared on more than one occasion.


The Commander as well advised to not take each injury or death so personally as it may have the undesirable effect of compromising ones ability to perform their duty. "The danger is part of our job"...I still here the words. The words were right on and have come to be accurate in detail. The fact we put our hides out there..hanging it out over the edge in the daily routine of duty is an awesome call to duty indeed.


The fact remains we are at half capacity in both fighter and support craft...and in desperate need of replacements in pilots,and craft. The fact as well remains we shall continue to perform our duty...collectivity and as a unit. The Reaent is in orbit around the supposed home world of the Vorta..and shore leave has been granted. I know from the flight division orders as it pertains to behavior have been issued as per the Command staff and will be followed closely...they had better be.


The tour lasted approximately two hours as various crew passed and chatted for a moment before heading to the TL anxious to leave the ship in pursuit of more enjoyable activities,all the flight crews have disembarked. Pressing the comm button in the flight op's office....+Schawnsee+ Angel here...I am about through here,forwarding final reports to Command...should be joining you within one hour,Angel out.


The hour slipped by quickly as the last report was sent to Commander Riddire's in box. Rubbing his eyes and forehead,finishing up the last of the cold java from the pot. I need to get going..was the thought. I wonder if they have any good places on the planet to have a swim and a quiet picnic...suppose we will find out soon enough. I and my lovely little wife have had little quality time together as the demands of the job have kept the both of us extremely busy. The fact remains we all need to take the time for relaxation...a time to heal and be whole again. Computer...end log..::Beep...! :o

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