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Sent Up River

T'Prise took in her surroundings, unruffled by the turn of events, yet somewhat fascinated by their current situation, including the dismal atmosphere that permeated the air. It was dark and dreary, to be sure, lacking any sort of aesthetically pleasing aspects from which a person might derive some type of comfort or support. It truly resembled all of her suppositions regarding what a Romulan prison might be like. She had never been incarcerated before and this experienced seemed to meet all of her expectations in such matters.


Of course, the current contretemps of the Manticore crew were most inconvenient. The longer they were detained, the more delayed they would be in developing blood sample tests and determining the efficacy of their experimental antiviral serum. This in turn would of course result in additional fatalities due to the plague. They could not, however, merely begin administering the serum without first testing it properly. To do so would be highly unethical and could perhaps result in additional complications, or even prove to be more fatal than the virus. Although Drs. Mele and Chalice had performed tests on the replicated subject aboard the Manticore, further analysis would be needed.


Yes, this delay would cause serious problems in the development and administration of a proper plague cure. But if their treatment of the crew was any indication, their Romulan captors were blithely unaware of this fact. As was often the case historically, those who would most benefit from a solution were complicating the problem. Rationality would most likely be ineffectual in securing the release of the crew. In her experience with other species, T'Prise found that emotional responses tended to outweigh logical considerations. Despite the propinquity of the Vulcan and Romulan peoples, the Romulan rejection of logic and the teachings of Surak left them vulnerable to the intense emotions Vulcans had learned to suppress, often causing Romulans to fall prey to their darker, excessive, compulsive, and outright violent impulses.


She glanced around once more to gauge how her crewmates were comporting themselves; still somewhat curious regarding coping behaviors. Many seemed to be exhibiting emotional responses ranging from fear to agitation. Ensign Macen was highly agitated, perhaps an indication that he was not prepared for such a mission, while Ensign Morran appeared lost within his own thoughts, which from her observations was a normal state for him. Commander Escher and Lieutenant Syndrx both exuded a somewhat outwardly calm demeanor, but she could detect an underlying tension emanating from both. The science officers could all benefit from instruction in Vulcan meditation and centering techniques, T'Prise thought stoically, reflecting upon her heritage and training, a contributing factor in her own tranquil composure.


There was nothing to be done at this moment in time but quietly wait for Captain Sovak and Commander Farrington to resolve the situation. Although the Romulans had confiscated all of her equipment, including her PADD, containing all the data on Adenoma Ta'Rax and Echococcosis, she could still study the puzzle within the photographic confines of her mind. Quietly she began to examine the problem once again, taking into account the ideas of Escher, Morran, and Silviu, attempting to approach the situation from other perspectives.

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