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A Cessation Of Hostilities

A Cessation Of Hostilities


Tactical Officers log: Eagle, James,T.,Lt.Sg.,U.S.S. Arcadia NCC-1742-E


The threat on Aether has been neutralized along with all her components and additional AI creations. The end came swiftly as the team that had been sent to infiltrate the system under control of the AI posing as our Science officer Sam Kent were abruptly brought back as the final sequence and surge designed to isolate and ultimately resulted in her destruction was sent.


The primary concern of course related to our ability to initiate a recovery of the suns to strike a balance essentially slowing or reversing the their looming Nova state.The Captain and team on the inductor along with sciences on the ship managed to reconfigure the magnetic fields of the suns. The resulting reversal of the overcharging through the inductor had the desired effect..The Captain gave the order...I contacted Doctor Swan immediately and relayed the order to pull the team back.


The resulting cascade of rotated energy frequencies did have the desired effect encapsulating the AI,shutting down any and all power feed to her...The final surge and viral program resulted in her demise. Sending engineering,science ,and medical teams to Aether to assist the stabilization of the station progressed without delay or interference. The security teams reported zero interference with all teams.


Security on ship has been dispatched to sickbay to insure Mr.Phoenix remains under guard until Commander Marx finishes his investigation of Archie's role in the Aether fiasco. I would have rather seen a different solution to the situation faced in dealing with the AI...however lives and an entire system were in potential jeopardy at those same hands that had started this dilemma in the first place.


A thorough and exhaustive diagnostic of Arcadia's systems and computers verify no damage resulting from the interfacing of the ship to Aethers systems,No potential viral threats existing or in dormancy in the core.


The reoccurring thought continues to literally bug me as it pertains to Mr.Phoenix and his alleged part in the situation...the records are quite clear as to his original motives in the Caress center ,they were not of Samantha Kent to begin with. How the imaging and creation of Sam Kent's dopple ganger and the ensuing problem is baffling . The records indicate he was attempting to reconstruct Commander Alces.


The crew is exhibiting the tell tale signs of fatigue as well, it has been quite some time since this ship and crew were not caught in the thick of things on a perilous mission in some part of the Galaxy. The ship is at 100% operational status,the corridors and decks are quite now as the hour is growing late. I am grateful the crews have returned from our little adventure for the most part intact.


The "B" shift is well into duty shift and apparently discussing the possible advent of some type of shore leave in our future. I have had to suppress any humorous reaction to the crews as they came on shift as the words "Onward to Glorious Strife" come to mind..Computer end log...Beep.! :o

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