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Random Perfect

Citizen Request



Random walked the decks of the Qob and felt the tears pour down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe they were being tossed out with no explanation at all. Why on Trill would they send *everyone* away, She should at least able to go back home to Trill. She was no citizen of Qo'noS, in fact the occasions her past hosts had been there they didn’t care for it, so she was pretty sure she was going to hate it too! Random entered her quarters, glances at Presley and then sat down at her desk. She needed to get help for Presley and herself, she decided to try speaking with people on Trill now since she hadn’t gotten any word back from the Federation or Starfleet.




To: Ambassador Odan


From: Random Perfect


Subject: Citizen Request


Star date: 1403.08




Director Odan, I am in desperate need of your help. I am an officer in Starfleet; I was originally posted to the U.S.S. Phantom Horizon. Due to circumstances during the battle above the planet Risa with a species I am not sure of, I was temporally placed on a near by Klingon vessel the IKC Qob, which coincidently holds the crew of the missing Federation ship the U.S.S. Lakota. From my understanding the Lakota was destroyed when both ships were transported to the Gamma Quadrant. It has taken a number of years to return to Federation space, but we have finally made it home.


Once we reached a Federation space station we were informed we were declared dead a few years ago. This didn’t seem like a problem until the Federation has refused to grant us access to our basic rights, we are still classified as dead last I was told and were told to head for Qo'noS. This doesn’t bother the Klingon Crewmen, but Starfleet officers would like to return home. This brings to me why I have written you.


I am in need of your help, as Ambassador of Trill I am begging you to help me return home, I am not only worried about myself, I have a son who has never stepped a foot on Trill. He needs to learn our culture and flush out any influence the Klingon’s have had on him. I also believe Trill would not want to abandon the symbiont Perfect on Qo’noS; the security of Perfect is at risk.


I will be waiting to hear back from you as soon as possible, We have yet to reach Qo'noS and I hope to not have to stay long.





Respectfully yours,

Random Perfect






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