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Marius Tr'Lorin

"The Interrogation and The Scar"

Marius half-stood, half-hung in the middle of a dark room. His arms were chained above him, as if he were on an invisible crucifix. His upper body was bare, his leggings torn, and his entire body battered and bloody.


Behind him, a male voice shouted at him. "Why'd they send you? What's your mission?" Marius remained silent, merely hanging his head. Again, the voice urged, "Why are you here? Speak, dammit!"


Suddenly, a searing pain wrenched Marius as a whip embedded with red-hot metal shards streaked across his back. Marius cried out in anguish, his body revolting against his will. Again, the whip laced across his back. And again. And again.


Marius grew dizzy with pain. The image of his parents smiling at him flashed across his mind. The parents who were just beginning to recover from their imprisonment, who had been smiling with joy until he pulled the knife out, and killed them. His own parents, murdered. A tear streaked down his soiled face.


Suddenly, the face of his tormentor replaced his parents. The Trill glared up into Marius's face. "We know the Tal'Shiar sent you, Romulan! Tell us what your mission was, and the An Barin might let you die quickly!"


Marius's raised his head, looking the Trill in the eyes. "Rot in hell."


The torturer scowled, and punched Marius in the face. His nose began to bleed. The Trill spat at him, then passed out of his sight again. "I may rot when I die, but you will feel this burn for all of eternity!" Suddenly, he felt something cold, round, and heavy pushed into his shoulder. Six needle-sharp points suddenly stabbed themselves into the flesh around it - like 6 legs, or some devilish insect. Suddenly, a burning pain, greater than anything he had felt before, seemed to tear his body apart, as the robotic beetle turned red hot and began digging into his skin.


The Trill laughed as he left, slamming the door behind him and throwing Marius into pitch black, alone with the bug that slowly crawled across his back. Marius passed out, his last thought of his mother's calm, understanding, and loving eyes as Marius had stabbed her heart.

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