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In Banco

In Banco


Personal Log:Hilee,Richard,B.Lt.,U.S.S. Manticore


We have been underway to Romulan space involved in what many consider to be a suicide mission.The briefing given by chief Garnoopy in my opinion had a definite and lasting effect on the new engineering replacements. The looks from the new replacements spoke volumes as they listened and looked on.


We in engineering have paired up with the newer less experienced officers as they go on about their duties in hopes that should things go wrong perhaps with our experience the event of possibly making a error in judgment as it pertains to engineering duties may be reduced. I as well as my fellow seasoned officers have been attempting to keep up an image of cool calm resolve as we venture forward.


The security assigned to engineering appears to have some fresh faces in the group as well. I am confident their Commander has seen to insuring the same precautions in the event all hell does break loose here. The last thing needed in engineering is errant phaser fire as there are many things here that can kill and or injure with very little forceful intervention.


The ships systems as well as the new updated and replaced systems in engineering are operating at maximum efficiency and smooth as a baby's bottom. All precautions have been applied to reinforce the main engines and other areas of Meng.The air of anticipation has increased a bit,However the air of nervousness and unease has appeared to decrease somewhat probably due to increased focus on duties.


The conversations between the crew down here appear more relaxed though still tempered to react as needed. The java is good,real good as a matter of fact...I must make a note to gather some more of that dark roasted java mix from our next layover at a star base that is if and when we return from this mission.


Time is passing and one is well aware of the possible dangers we are proceeding head long into. The fact remains we are as well prepared as is possible considering just where we are located and facing overwhelming odds. My fellow officers and I do agree we will not go out without a fight,and Manticore stands ready.


The company of others in the same situation is comforting as we each go about our duties and disquieting at the same time as you know the very real possibility that part of those same people may not make it. The various scenarios and possibilities could consume much time and energy if you would let them,At times it is simply better to go on about your duties and enjoy the time you have with others and the great java in the pot over "On the bench".....Computer...End Log:...Beep.. ;)

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