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Tonight and your Command Staff

Hi all,


I hope to feeling well enough to make it tonight, a few minor issues pending. I will be there pending the following:


1) I haven't dropped dead yet. Well, made the attempt to return to work today, getting by but really worn down by being so sick all weekend. Even the grim reaper refused to take me cause I was so bad off, told me to get better first.

2) If I'm able to put the new power supply and video card and various parts into my crappy rig and get the thing working. It's in parts on my kitchen table atm.

3) If I'm still able to connect through the good graces of Webby through his connection, as for some reason, my IP isn't working with our chat rooms, only message boards, go figure.


Kbear: Is in Kentucky. Her squirrel froze solid, so she has no electricity to run the computer on, except the generator she went out and got the other moning. (it's running on a pair of chipmunks and they are doing well so far, but don't run fast enough to waste on the laptop. For some reason she was interested in preserving the food and heat). She said she will attempt to make it to the local McDonalds and see if they have their wifi back up.


So....if it turns into epic fail for us tonight, nobody shoot Rian.

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Kbear: Is in Kentucky. Her squirrel froze solid, so she has no electricity to run the computer on, except the generator she went out and got the other morning. (it's running on a pair of chipmunks and they are doing well so far, but don't run fast enough to waste on the laptop. For some reason she was interested in preserving the food and heat).


I finally get to let the chipmunks rest. I'm back to the 21st century. The Electric company truck pulled into my drive this afternoon and restored my service. There were trees that took the lines down up the road as well as a fuse that had blown from all of the stress on the transformers. Anyway, DSL and Laptop are back up and running as good as they have been which for the laptop isn't saying much.


Logs will be placed on the boards later this evening.


Thanks for all of the well wishes and invites to come stay with the few that offered, while I was freezing.

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