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Arch Angel

Turn And Burn Time

Turn And Burn Time


Pilots Log:Angelis,John,A.,Lt. CAG, U.S.S. Reaent


Computer begin recording:..Beep....


Breaking hard right once again post snap firing off a torpedo towards the remaining part of that Romulan war bird..."Will hard to port ...now,join up with Tabor and Beta flight and get back to Reaent...now". I am in hopes at least perhaps that derelict running on auto pilot will either break off the present course towards Reaent at best, Break off pursuit of Will's fighter in the very least.


Pulling up hard going to a full burn while watching the HUD as the torpedo is closing with the front of that monster...perhaps it may finish knocking out the automated Defense/Attack mode it is clearly running in,knock out the mains...it may be blinded and allow the ship to break away from the present course and heading allowing Reaent to escape or side step .


The squadron what remains of us are rallying back to Reaent taking up as much a defensive umbrella as possible in the event that damned thing continues to paint and pursue us. All my men have performed with distinction considering the recent events as well as endless hours assisting in restoration of what remains of us. Reaent is closing with us now...giving the order to take up positions and stand by for orders to engage.


The sounds from the humming of the engines fill the cockpit as the flashing of the console lights intermittently indicate the onboard computers and flight computer are in constant communication with each other...sensors sweeping updating data on the surrounding space and any threat from nano second to nano second. The Romulan ship that is following ...closing steadily painted on the HUD in a crimson imaging generated by the computer displaying type and configuration of the ship including weaponry and status of their main batteries status on powered up condition. The normal crew compliment is not there.


The torpedo fired is closing...impact in approximately thirty seconds and counting, Thirty seconds will determine whether it works to our favor...or we continue to turn and burn. Computer...End Log...Beep. ;)

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