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Tom Servo

Assuming a false identity

As was predicated, soon after he arrived on Starbase 143, Tom was met by security, and was escorted to a holding cell where they conducted various informal interviews with him.


Tom knew what they were looking for; information that could be forwarded to their Chief of Security so that they could say that they contributed to the furtherance of intelligence gathering. Tom provided them with tidbits of data that would never be of any use to anyone, but gave them the sense that they were making a difference. He certainly did not want to provide them with blatantly false information that may cause the officers to be blamed for collecting inaccurate information.


He briefly considered the number of times he had done that particular routine on a prisoner himself, and then thought if any of those times, there was someone on the other side of that forcefield doing the same thing he was doing at that very moment.


Tom provided no doubt to anyone that he talked to that he was one hundred percent guilty of the crime for which he was tried for and cooperated fully with anyone with any questions in regards to his crime.


After the eager security staff got their information, he rested for a few hours in the holding cell, as transportation was being arranged for him to be sent to Jaros II.


The transfer to Jaros was not nearly as interesting as Tom was hoping for, the officers conducting the transfer had done this a hundred times before, and were not interested in any conversation that the prisoners would provide them with.


Once they arrived at Jaros, Tom was being checked in with two other prisoners that were on the same transport as him.


The admitting guard called out a name, "Marcus Penzie!" Tom immediately snapped his gaze up from the ground 2 feet in front of him to the guard.


"Yes!" he blurted out. It was a response that he had practiced in his mind. The anticipated-surprise response as he called it.


"What is your number?" The guard asked.


"827571", Tom replied.


The guard made a couple notations, then called out another name, "Lanzik E'Rtty!" This person, presented himself, and answered the same questions as Tom had moments earlier.


The last prisoner on the transport was called out, " M'Gaugh LaGugh!" He replied in the same manner, but Tom took notice. He did not look right over at LaGugh to identify him, but rather ignored him as though he was another nobody prisoner sent to this penal colony for punishment.


It was not until they proceeded to their assigned areas before he even glanced at LaGugh. As Tom and LaGugh settled into their bunks, Tom asked LaGugh, "What are you here for?"

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