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Arrenhe tr'Khev


With the leeches gone and his good deed done for the day, it was time to finally do what he'd been wanting to do for ages. He'd compiled all the data he could get his hands on for months, tapping into his family resources for the first time for something na related to music, and saved up on his ship resource credits so he'd have enough to replicate or produce what he'd need. The away team mission to the planet of Bronze Age people had finally tipped the scales into pushing him to proceed with his idea rather than constantly chewing on it. He'd thought about it ever since he'd joined Galae, and now seemed the apropos time to get it done so he was ready for future incidents. The incident with the leeches had proved that being flexible had its advantages, too.


He'd reserved the HIC during his mandated rest period, and now that he was off duty again he'd put the time in to get it done. By the time his next duty shift rolled around, he'd be prepared. Stepping into the HIC, he ordered up a chair and a worktable, and then took a seat.


"Etrehh, begin manufacturing mode, access account tr'Khev 1 for resource credit balance." When the etrehh complied, he nodded. "Pull up file tr'Khev Flexibility 001, access hand scans. Compute best grip and handle design for handheld weapon using data." After the computer finished that task, he ordered it to provide him with a holographic simulation of the results and tried it out. "Nice feel," he commented, adjusting his grip and trying it with both hands. "Good, etrehh save grip and handle to new file, tr'Khev Flexibility Schematic." He canceled the holographic handle and checked his ISD for the next step.


"Etrehh, request io: access section two of file tr'Khev Flexibility 001, compute schematic design for all listed requirements. Request re: pull up all data from ship databanks regarding handheld disruptor design, access code tr'Khev h'Rona re. After request io is complete, cross-reference results to request re and correlate. Compute schematic design for best integration."


As the etrehh worked on the requests, he called up a drink and some dinner, with some pleasant background music. By the time he tucked into dessert, the etrehh had finished its tasks. He ordered the schematic display on screen. After swallowing a mouthful of pudding, he frowned. "Etrehh, is it possible to alter schematic to place component 33 in line with component 54?"


"Affirmative," the etrehh replied.


"Do it," Arrenhe ordered, then finished his pudding. After he ordered the dinnerware recycled, he studied the modified schematic. "Mnekha. Etrehh, compute cover, create schematic for finished handheld weapon design." The etrehh did so, and the diminuitive Rihan studied the result. "Na exactly going to blend in with a standard unit, is it? Oh well. Etrehh, create holographic simulation of current schematic."


The weapon appeared onto the worktable before him, and he picked it up and tested the feel. "A bit heavier, but that's to be expected. Weight balance is a little off... need to add a bit to the back." He set it back onto the table. "Etrehh, update schematic and simulation, move center of gravity back by 12 millimeters." A few seconds later, the etrehh confirmed the request, and Arrenhe once again hefted the unit. "Much better." He once again altered his grip, tested, using both hands. "This might actually do." He stood, then ordered the chair and worktable out of the simulation. "Computer, update and save schematic to file. Create standard firing target range, activate simulated weapon to exected results, safeties on."


A group of stationary and moving targets shimmered to life before him, and the unit's indicator lights switched on in his hands. He took aim at the nearest stationary target on disruptor setting, and fired. The shot hit the target, though slightly off from where he aimed. The aiming reticule was slightly different than what he was used to, so he reset the target and adjusted his aim and tried again. Satisfied, he worked through all of the targets.


"Mnekha. Etrehh, reset all targets." It did so, and then Arrenhe switched the weapon mode with a flick of his thumb. He aimed and fired, and the result was exactly what he hoped for. He ran through the targets once more, his smile growing as he worked through them. By the time he finished, he was grinning. "Etrehh, replace range with soft targets... make them Klling'hann." They appeared, milling about with their silly swords ands knives. He altered the setting once again on his weapon, then rather gleefully fired at them all.


"Excellent! Etrehh, delete targets. Run final schematic through simulation routines Galae QC 101. When completed, display report."


"Acknowledged, expected time of completion, twelve minutes."


"Understood." He paused, contemplating how to spend the time. "Etrehh, pull up instrument from tr'Khev program 221." The flute-like instrument appeared, floating in midair a half meter in front of him. It had never been his favorite, though it did create a pleasing tone. He figured, even with his now normal rexlexes and dexterity, that he could still play it well, though, as it didn't take nearly as much skill as other instruments. He experimentally blew a few notes, testing his finger response. Satisfied, he whittled away the remaining time playing various tunes, some of his own spur-of-the-moment creation and a few old folk tunes.


"Simulations complete," the etrehh intoned. "Displaying report." The data appeared in front of the dheno officer, and he read through it as he continued to play. By the time he was finished reading, he hadn't missed a note.


"Etrehh, save report to file, tag schematic as complete. Compute resources required to manufacture components, cross-reference to credits on balance," he ordered.


"Acknowledged. Resource credits required are less than credits available by 221 units."


"Better and better," Arrenhe said, happily. He had the HIC take the instrument away while he pulled out his ISD. "Copy file to my ISD." After the transfer was complete, he nodded. "Place order for components."




"Time to completion of all manufacturing and replication?"


"Six hours," the etrehh responded.


"Notify me as soon as all components are finished and end program." He stepped out of the HIC and headed back to his quarters to get in a nap. By the time he got his components, it would take the rest of his day to put it together and test it out on the live-fire range.




A little under twelve hours later Arrenhe arrived at the firing range, his new weapon snugly fit into the holster he'd replicated after he'd completed assembly. He ordered up a set of targets and went through the same routine he'd completed in the HIC, minus the Klling'hanns. The disruptor setting was as efficient as his old one, as the technology used was the same. He couldn't gage the efficacy of the other modes as he didn't have the data to do so, but he was well satisfied. His resource credits were nearly spent, so he'd be skimping on some things until he could rebuild his balance, but it was worth it. Especially since he was pretty worthless when it came to hand-to-hand combat, so having a flexible medium-range weapon was perfect.


If ever he experience a mission like the last where a scientist forbade him to shoot and kill the natives, he had another option now. His dual disruptor/phaser had a stun setting, plus as it was a bit bigger and heavier than a standard handheld disruptor, he could always just whack someone on the head with it and deliver a satisfactory whallop with it.

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