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Kansas Kenickie

Pain All Around

Pain All Around

By Kansas Kenickie &

Matt McFly


This log takes during last sim and before Matt's Log...



When the shock and the smoke had cleared Matt McFly had found himself on the floor thrown far from the tactical console he had once been behind. When the emergency lights kicked on it was as if his own internal light went on as well. When he returned to his feet he could tell the ship was hurting, the feel of the ship was indescribable. The lose of defector control and maybe dampeners were making the ship feel as if it was rocking or drifting. The sounds on the Bridge were a mix of alarms blaring, people searching for the injured and the injured responding either by cries or distress.


McFly made his way back to the tactical console and listened as someone began announcing the systems that were damaged or down. He soon realized that his own console and systems were not responding he hit the console with his open hand in frustration and looked down. He soon realized what he was looking at, it was someone pushed far under the tactical console. As he ducked down under the console he could hear the sound of a transport in the back ground, he wasn’t sure if it was someone coming to help, or injured being beamed down to sickbay. Matt moved the debris out of his way and rolled Kansas over; she had a pretty nice gash on her head from where it had been hit. He pulled her free, from under the console and checked for a pulse that was thankfully there.


“McFly!” Was shouted from some where.


He popped his head back up and tried his console again, trying everything to get some kind of message or response but there was nothing. He glanced down at Kansas again, it was odd at how still she was… and tiny. He had never seen her so still, since there was nothing that could be done at his station he decided to return to her and find out if there was something he could do to help her.


Kansas could feel the darkness lifting away slowly as the throbbing began; there was a shadowy figure that kept moving from her line of blurred sight. Her eyes fluttered open again trying to get a better view of what was there…


“Kansas? Hey open your eyes.”


Kansas fought the pull to fall back into the darkness and opened her eyes as commanded. She saw Matt kneeling over her, he had a worried look on his face and the lighting was oddly romantic behind him. “What happen? Did we make it back?” she knew the question was important… back from where she couldn’t remember right now.


“Yes, we crashed into another ship” He helped her into a sitting position, he would rather her stay lying down but Kansas gripped his arms and pulled herself up. She looked dazed, “Maybe you should stay down.” He worried.


She nodded no and closed her eyes, running on auto-pilot… “We need to find the injured.” She tilted her head to the side and looked up at him, “Did we make it back?” she asked again her voice was impish and confused.


Matt furrowed his brow at her, “yes we did.” He started to worry more as he pulled her towards the turbo lift that he had seen Faldek use moments ago. He pulled her in and the doors remained open, the lift was down as was almost everything else around him. “Transporters?” He called out to anyone….


“Transporters are down!” someone replied.


McFly pulled her out of the lift and sat her down; he had only a few options left. Wait it out and hope there wasn’t anything major wrong or take the ladder down few decks. He went and checked on Jami quick and then looked over at Kansas, she didn’t look up for the ladder.




McFly stopped dead in his tracks, he turned around hearing Kansas call him.. by his name, something that she never did. He dashed over to her and knelt down, looking her in the eyes, they were glazed. “Did we make it back?” She asked again. He touched the cut on her head gently, “Yes we did, and you hit your head.”


Kansa smirked slightly, “It's just my head... nothing important.” McFly placed some bandage over the cut, “True, if it was your trigger finger it'd be more of an emergency, but still you need to get to sickbay now” Kansas nodded and stood up, falling into him loosing her footing… “Did we make it back?”


McFly sighed in frustration, glanced over at Kansas for a second, sighed “yeah sweetie, we're back.” He gripped her tightly… “Great”

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