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B'Etor Patterson

The Road To Klingon Death And Rebirth

(Just go with it. Kinda odd, and I kinda stole it from the whole B'Elanna death/Hell/un-dying thing. But figured if your char is going to have a new lease on life, after almost dying, may as well go for the goal.)


B'Etor looked around, sitting up in bed. She saw the sickbay and no one else, swallowing hard. She saw how the room was tinted red and called out, but her voice was gone. Sliding off the bed, she walked around, seeing Lt. Wydown in her office. Moving towards her, Lt. Wydown looked up, and pointed back to the bed. B'Etor turned saw Maria and Joe looking at her. What is going on? What happened?


As Maria and Joe pointed to the floor, B'Etor saw herself, with a nice burn mark on her uniform. Her eyes went wide and saw a small blanket next to her, shaking her head. Seeing a half Klingon, half Human baby, she looked at her own stomach, shaking her head. She heard a pinging noise and moved by Maria and Joe, towards the main sickbay. Stopping, she froze, seeing Jaden Praxx standing there, a Bat'Leth in hand. She moved towards him as a look of hatred and anger crossed his face. She saw the Bat'Leth come up. YOU KILLED OUR CHILD! Boomed around her in Jaden's voice as she let out a silent scream as the Bat'Leth he held hit her in the chest. Her eyes closed and she hit the floor, blood pooling everywhere around her.


She sat up fast, panting hard, and heard the sound of a ship, and saw the dark maroon colors of the Barge of the Dead. "Oh, you have got to be kidding..." She shook her head and stood up, just to get shoved down. She looked up, realizing she was in Klingon attire and then was shoved again, pushed towards the wheel of the ship. "I can walk you know!" She cried out as she was shoved up the stairs, then held in place. She looked at who steered the ship, looking lost and confused. She had never been taught about any of this growing up with humans. She had read about it, but didn't get the signifigance of her being hit by weapons fire, then ending up standing in front of a large, older looking Klingon.


"B'Etor, daughter of Re'Lagh! You have dishonored your family name and everything your family stands for! You will now suffer the agony your mother suffered for dishonoring your family as well!" Kortar yelled at her. B'Etor looked at him as if he were insane.


"My mother?! I never even knew her! I didn't even know her name! You're going to punish me for that?! I don't even believe in Klingon traditions! And I am not even completely Klingon! Take that!" She yelled back and she heard the distant voices of Joe and Maria. Looking around, she ran to the edge of the ship, but Kortar grabbed her.


"Don't. That is death for the dead. The waters tease you with the voices of loved ones, and friends, then you suffer even more, as you are torn apart." He looked down at her. B'Etor looked up at him and swallowed hard. She could hear Joe yelling at her to come back, but didn't know what.


"What happened to me?! The last thing I remember is the banging on the sickbay door." She looked at him, not sure what is going on. Kortar looked down at her, shaking his head.


"You died. Your body was hit, and you, along with your bastard child died. You did not die honorably, you were not in combat, and you have turned your back on your Klingon traditions and ways. That is why you are on this ship. On your way to Gre'thor." Kortar said, nodding to her. B'Etor looked down, feeling a little empty inside, and then shook her head.


"I'm not..dead... I don't even remember..." She stumbled as the ship stopped and saw a large red door, and a plank. She shook her head, backing up.


"What happened to my baby? If it is dead, and I am dishonored, where is..it?" She looked up at Kortar started hustling people to the plank to get people into Gre'thor. Kortar looked at B'Etor and shook his head.


"Your baby was only 7 weeks along. That is not a Klingon in our eyes. It was just a being, not a life. Your baby's afterlife with not be as horrible or as painful as yours. Your baby is not a baby, therefore it is nothing to me." Kortar said and B'Etor started to cry. She fell to her knees, and shook her head.


"I never wanted it... I never cared... and now.." She covered her face, shaking her head as the ships rocking stopped. Kortar moved to B'Etor and he helped her up.


"Fek'lhr says that he does not you. You are a sad, pathetic, waste of Klingon DNA. You are not wanted in Sto-vo-kor, or Gre'thor! Fek'lhr says you are not allowed in hell!" Kortar grabbed B'Etor and shoved her overboard, and B'Etor screamed as she hit the water, sinking for a moment.


B'Etor opened her eyes, feeling the pain of the weapons fire hitting her, and she winced. Looking around, she saw the sickbay fairly empty, except for the major ciritcals from the fight two days before. She groaned, and looked around, feeling like a weight was holding her down. "Hello? Am I still dead?"


She waited for an answer, looking around to the monitor above her head. She saw one lifesign, not two, and she looked back to her stomach. Moving her hand around, she pulled the blanket down and looked at her bare stomach, shaking her head. "Kortar was right.." She moaned as pain shot through her head and she laid back down, quickly slipping back into unconsciousness.

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