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That old chestnut...

Hey guys,


Recently I had to leave my post on the USS Excalibur (which was pretty crappy since it was the best ship I'd served on in my time on STSF) because I couldn't practically sim at between 3-5 AM every week and it got me thinking, why after all this time have we still not got a more international timezone friendly sim?


Yes I know, many of you are thinking "Please stop whining now!" and I completely sympathise. :)


Now don't get me wrong, I am very impressed at how STSF is still growing in new ways. The new excalibur message board sim for example is a great way to get new members interested in the site. There's a lot of trekkies out there who find post-sims more their style. Hell thats what most the Star Trek sims out there are!


But therein lies the problem. I think that what makes STSF special is our unique chat-sim schedule and training academy. Heh not to mention the academy is a nice way to spot the unsocial nutters before they get kneedeep in an advanced sim. It is this system that attracted me to the site more than anything, even the endorsement from startrek.com. I think that though the new message board sim is a great way to get new members, especially those who have time constraints, I feel we must attempt in future to create a new chatsim that is at a time more people from abroad can meet.


I'm fully aware that like myself there are others from abroad already on the site who do endeavour to meet the schedule and like me adore this community but there have been many others who just couldn't make a commitment at such strange hours. You see them every once in a blue moon on the forums, a post here, a post there, asking if there is an alternative simtime. Hell the week I joined there was some poor lad out in Russia who kept asking and eventually disappeared. And that made me sad, even then.


I must also point out that quitting excalibur wasn't the first time I've had to leave a sim because of the awkward early hours timing, but the third. Before that there was the Sky Harbor, then the Challenger. Each time I hoped that with enough time I could get to full commander status, apply for GM training and eventually start my own sim but of course that would take quite a bit of time and eventually the hours took their toll.


Now I'm not demanding anything, of course I'm not, I'm in not even in a position to do so! But I'm just bringing up the topic for discussion again. Even if nothing happens for a very long time I wanted to just shake the tree and see what fell out.


Cheers guys, sorry for the length.



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Okay, so who's been bugging the GM Council Room?


Images, rally your Euro peers and get ready.


Keep your eyes peeled for a Europe-timezone-friendly Academy, soon, coming to an STSF near you. If there is enough interest, enough graduations and enough players, then, well, gosh, who knows what could happen?


We aren't trying to be coy, we just want to take this in small steps.


Thank you to all those in the non-US timezones who have stuck with us. We have not been ignoring you (I mean, we keep trying to, but you guys keep reminding us that you're out there!)



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Okay, so who's been bugging the GM Council Room?



::quickly hides the listening devices::


You really should sweep more often, A9.

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Images - have you checked out the Lower Decks, Excal's very own Message Board only offshoot sim? There is no live chat time zone to worry about, and you do not need to attend the Excal chat to participate in the Lower Decks. Check out the Lower Decks boards for the information.

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Okay, so who's been bugging the GM Council Room?


Images, rally your Euro peers and get ready.


Keep your eyes peeled for a Europe-timezone-friendly Academy, soon, coming to an STSF near you. If there is enough interest, enough graduations and enough players, then, well, gosh, who knows what could happen?


We aren't trying to be coy, we just want to take this in small steps.


Thank you to all those in the non-US timezones who have stuck with us. We have not been ignoring you (I mean, we keep trying to, but you guys keep reminding us that you're out there!)





Heh, sounds brilliant boss. Pardon me for ruining the surprise!!

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