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StarDate 50809.22Lieutenantdoug.t log

I had pulled an all nighter going over my status reports to Garn. The next thing I knew it was daylight and the crew was up and filled with ambition to go looking for our missing crew member. I, on the other hand, was tired. I heard Pilot say something about it being morning. I said it couldn't have been morning already.



Pilot replied, “Yes, Doug. It’s morning.”



I said, “Really? I must have got carried away in my work.” I got up and grabbed myself a phaser rifle, a type 2, and a tricorder. Pilot had asked me what that was for. I said to him, “I want to be ready for anything that might come our way. I don't want any surprises like we had the previous day with the creature attacking our crew member and getting dragged away. I don't want another episode of that happing again. I was on point,” I said. I should have been able to stop it from happening.”



The next thing I knew I could hear the sound of an engine or something overhead hovering towards the other camp. I looked out the window of the Chimera. I looked over head to see a fighter hovering over the captain’s camp. I was curious as to why it was sent from the ship.



I said to Hilee, “Any ideas on why the fighter was sent?”



Hilee replied, “I have no idea.”



Then I realized that we were in big trouble for staying behind. I knew that the Admiral must have sent the fighter to come and order us back to Manticore. I was worried that we might have to leave.



Then I heard sounds like people talking. I knew the captain must be trying to tell the fighter that we were staying behind. The next thing I heard was the fighter engaging its engines then taking off. Then I heard the captain’s voice over the com.



I looked over to Commander JFarrington. Listing to her and the captain talking I was feeling like I wanted to get out and start looking for our missing crewmember, but I knew that wasn't possible because we were being ordered to head back to the ship and that security would be left behind. I felt like I wanted to stay behind and help but I knew it wasn't possible.



Later, as we started to head back to the other camp, I heard a sound in the trees. I looked at the commander as she raised her rifle. Then we all felt a really high pitched squealing. It was so painful I felt as if I could pass out. It was so terrible I remember looking at the rest of my crewmates and seeing them in pain. Then I realized that the sound had stopped. I noticed that everyone was slowly getting back up to head over to the other camp.


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