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Tabor Nansk

Something's going on

Action log


Tabor Nansk



Tabor took Angel’s tongue lashing in silence. Not in calmness, not by a long shot. Inside, his warring emotions each battled for supremacy: his duty as a Starfleet officer; his utter disbelief at this whole mission; his loyalty to this crew; his frustration at the stubbornness and irrational judgment some of these very crewmembers had put forth in the name of a “plan”; his friendship with Angel; his commander’s blind faith in the chain of command.



None of what was happening made any sense. From the moment the crew was made aware of the mission, everything seemed wrong: the lack of adequate, credible intel; that Starfleet would risk a front line starship on an almost suicidal operation; the seemingly negligent analysis of the Romulan defensive position, capabilities, and their probable response.



Unless something else was going on. The longer the mission went on, the more staggering the odds that their luck had held up for this long, and what would require divine intervention for it to last much longer. Unless the Romulans had been overrated for a century, they had to know we were here before we crossed the border. Two birds-of-prey make a fly-by and don’t see us? Come on! Why hadn’t they attacked? All of it was leading Tabor to the conclusion of a massive conspiracy. Only the fact that he couldn’t figure out who stood to gain, and what, kept him from being able to postulate a likely chain of players. An internal Romulan political/military coup was certainly high on the list of possibilities. But an operation on this scale, with its inherent risks, was bold beyond even their usual megalomania. Something brewing at Starfleet? Or higher – the Federation? A joint Romulan-UFP plan? Unthinkable in its treachery, or at least without some incredible bit of missing information.



So Tabor said nothing. He’d file Angel’s reports. He’d dot every “I” and cross every “T”. And he’d continue to dig. Something was wrong and he was going to find it even if it killed him. Unless this mission did it first.

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