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Steady As She Goes

Steady As She Goes


Tactical Officers Log: Eagle,James ,T.,Lt....Computer begin log:...Bleep...!


We are now underway to Atlantis...apparently by suggestion from the Commander on some kind of scientific mission,or some kind of fishing venture at the very least as per the Commander. I have had concerns as they pertain to the Commander and his rationale since he awakened from his induced sleep...and subsequent intake of what might be considered a witches brew of various compounds, all alleged to enhance his memory.


I have the up most respect for the Commander ...he has after all been through many life times and the experiences we as a whole can only attempt to understand. That being stated I do have some concern as well any good tactical officer should our destination and the shall we say frequenting regular species and their dubious enterprises,and how that may have a direct effect on this ship and crew.


The Captain and the Commander have been in the ready room discussing matters of crew placement and reorganization and have left me in the coc once again. I must be a magnet for trouble as we were on course for our plotted destination when a sudden power loss in propulsion was noted by the helm officer,then additional stations were affected in as many moments. I had expected the engineering section to advise the bridge of any disruption planned or needed.


The information was relayed eventually and all warp drive was disengaged as per our new chief of engineering and a rational explanation given...repair time reported and estimated...I ordered the engagement of the impulse engines..when verified zero instability on the fusion reactors ordered full impulse.


The various stations including the tactical long range sensors have been restored to operational status and power allocation to all necessary stations being supplemented by the grid through secondary systems routed through the fusion power reactors.


I have verified through the forward fire control officer we do have full defensive grid and offensive weaponry available. The Operations officer has allocated power distribution as well efficiently as to not overload the operating systems.


I sit awaiting the engineering department to give a go or restoration of full warp capability as our time to our destination grows more lengthy as we remain at full impulse power and underway...at least we are moving. Relating to our new counselor Mr.Sam S. as we had been watching the bridge crew and listening to the interdepartmental comm's as they seemed to cross in what may have been considered a total ball of confusion by some eventually ended in a controllable situation...you must let the crew do their jobs as it was pointed out to Sam...he had just been used to doing it himself.


I know his new seat must have been a bit uncomfortable at times...however the crew came through in an excellent manner as would be expected...a bit rough around the edges...yes,but they came through non the less. Sam had confided in me his lack of being able to fit in his groove yet...I have assured my friend he most certainly will ...in time.


In the mean time we have been underway at full impulse power and speed, All sensors read clear so far...all systems at nominal, I have related to the helm officer Mr.Pilot...Steady as she goes.


End log::...Beep....

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