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Le Morte

A Meeting With The Doctor

A Meeting With The Doctor


A joint LePage and LeMorte production.....


LeMorte entered medical looking around for Commander LePage and was directed to his office door."LePage was sitting at his desk ,trying to figure out what was going on with the stowaways". "Padd in hand with the data the science team had accumulated ...he chimed the door".


"looking up from the console Nick had a pretty good idea who was standing in front of his door..Enter was his reply". "Entering the room... he observed the doctor busied with the data layed out on his desk", "Commander..I have the latest set of data from the science department".


"Ah..good, Did you find out anything more about that powder substance?..motioning for LeMorte to take a chair in front of his desk'.


"Taking the proffered seat", Actually we have found little more on that particular substance other than what we have previously discovered, That being stated...It is my contention the stowaways may have been slave workers at one time ...possibly as in their present state of health and your medical data points to that being all to possible.The substance as you may well know is a compound normally used to prolong ,or more specifically delay the effects of rapid aging or cellular degradation by miners in close or extended contact or proximity to oh...let's say Raw Dilithium for instance.


"Nodding...We have got the same impression. Some of the stowaways mentioned dilithium mines and the Breen. I am convinced they are slaves who somehow managed to escape. I just don't know how they got here".


"That is an excellent question doctor...I have been doing some cross checking on data, Was this station in the hands of the Cardassian union and around during the war was it not?".


"Shaking his head Nick replied, No,Those people haven't escaped that long ago. I am pretty sure they came here aboard a freighter or some kind of transport. I would say they have been on Aegis for two or three months at the most. They are all in a pretty bad condition ...Malnutrition,infections,parasites...you name it. I trust you got the data of our scans. I'd like to take a closer look at their DNA to see what they used that powder for we found".


"Acknowledged , We did get the updated samples and data as well, My team are running a spectroscopic close examination of the DNA as we are speaking. I was curious about the DNA sequencing as well, and have ordered a very close and concise anayalsis for link degradation and Genome degradation, as well as possible mutations from an outside stimulus".


" Excellent ,However I am sure you didn't just come to tell me that...Nick added with a smile"." Aye sir,the immediate business taken care of...you are very perceptive doctor, I need to consult with you now on something of a more personal matter".


"Nicks smile widened", Please call me Nick. I have read your file. I'm not surprised you bring this up now, though I have to admit that I'm not quite certain what exactly your ...uh ...needs are.


"Shifting a bit", Well Nick, I have shall we say rather unusual dietary needs, a bit different from the average crewman's...You are aware of the specifics of my race?...if not I did bring a hard copy of my file folder...easing the folder across the desk to Nick.


"Taking the offered folder" Thank You,Quiet honestly I don't know exactly how to accommodate your needs". "I see doctor...perhaps any extra plasma,out dated blood, or do you have the ability here to replicate whole blood?. You see the reason for asking is my meager supply in my personal belongings in the science lab office is running very close to being out. As you can see Nick...I normally dine alone, it seems to make others around me rather uncomfortable to be around me while I am feeding.


"Nick could not restrain a chuckle ", Yes, I can see why other people might decline a dinner invitation. I'm sure we'll be able to replicate some blood for you. How much do you require ...say every week?.


"Considering the question for a moment"..My average intake should not exceed 3,500 to 4,000 Ml per week , at times less." I'm sure we can replicate another 3 or 4 liters a week,I'll make sure we always have enough in stock for at least one week. Grinning as he asked...Do you want delivery?.


"Taken back a bit by this doctor whom seemed at ease,with a sense of humor no less LeMorte grinned and replied...I can always come by,is take out an option?"."Sure thing" Nick replied. I'd offer you a table but I fear we don't have the right atmosphere...Leaning forward and lowering his voice a bit," You know the patients always have such a bad timing ...they usually come during dessert".


"LeMorte had been resisting the urge to laugh", The last comment from the doctor made that restraint crumble,he could restrain it no longer, After a hearty laugh and regaining his composure..." Actually perhaps one day I may find a way to have a replicator make my meal into a more accepted form and color so I might join others in eating".


" Well I could ask a few techs to try a few things if you would like. Was there anything else? Nick asked. "Since you asked Nick" yes, I have only recently arrived, I know regulations require me to have a complete physical for duty. I may ask as well whom do I see about my quarters...my office is not the most exquisite of living quarters if you will.


"About your quarters" Nick replied...you should see Ensign Porter, the Ops officer. as for the physical, whenever you've got the time. "Thank you Commander "...Nick,I know you are busy and we both do have a great deal of work to finish as well...Thank you for your time sir.


"Anytime came the comment from Nick", Welcome aboard in case I haven't said it yet. drop by whenever you have the time. "With that Nick got up and started to walk towards the door". "LeMorte exited after the doctor...again thanking him for everything".


{ Note;..this log would have transpired during the TBS week before last}

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