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Kansas Kenickie

The Hand of Fate: The Hand

The Hand of Fate:

The Hand


Alison leaned back in bed and looked over at the slips of latium and the ID card reading the name Tara Adams. She had gotten her hands on enough money to last a few more weeks, she had been staying on Risa for over a month sleeping in the remolded sections that were closed and had been having a great time. She was able to spend time with as many high rollers in the casinos as possible, with the help of a few of the staff. None of the whales had even noticed her helping herself to their winnings, but she knew she was pressing her luck and that she needed to score big before leaving.


Alison pulled her long blond hair back and checked her incoming messages; she smirked at the message finalizing her divorce. Most people would have found it unthinkable to leave behind your husband and four young boys, but it didn’t bother her at all. Ian was a good man… a good officer and father. The cover was good, sweet house wife, with Husband off world defending the galaxy from what ever. Ally had made good money while he was off playing hero, she hadn’t planned on kids but they made things more easy then she could have ever thought. Once Ian was back from his last posting he had planned on retiring from the Fleet, which meant that he was going to be home. He had been held in a Cardassian prison and was in no condition to head back into space. That was her cue to high tail it out of there, she packed a few things and told her loving Husband that she was going to visit her sister in the next town over. Little did he know she was taking the next transport out of there.


Alison walked to the window and looked out onto the beach, she watched the couple below with their baby… They had about three security guards with them and must have been staying in one of the private villa that shared the beach. She smiled and thought of a quicker way to make some money…

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