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Damian Porter

"Off Duty"

"Off Duty"


Damian woke abruptly. He blinked a few times to clear his vision and looked around him. Something felt decidedly odd about this, but his brain was still too sluggish to figure out what caused this feeling. Very slowly his synapses started to connect the right way and his brain started to process his surroundings.


He was in his quarters, but that didn't come as a surprise. What did come as a surprise, however, was the fact that he was sitting on his sofa... dressed in his uniform.


After a relatively big cluster of synapses that were responsible for parts of his memory had tentatively made contact for the first time since he had woken up he remembered that he had come back here after his shift. His plans had been to eat and sleep. That very moment Damian's stomach growled in a way that would have made the average Caitan scared. He frowned. Had he slept long enough to be hungry again? But then a sense of foreboding, undoubtedly also triggered by his now very active memory synapses, hit him. This made him look down at himself. What he saw made him utter a few choice swear words under his breath. What used to be a really yummy looking BLT sandwich was spread all over the trousers of his uniform. Clearly, it was time that things started to slow down a bit, Damian thought as he picked bread, tomatoes, bacon and lettuce off his trousers.


Twenty minutes later he had changed and was on his way to the gym, where he planned to spend most of the little time he still had left until his next shift started. This one would probably be just as busy and stressful as the other shifts had been ever since he had been assigned to Aegis. He would have to go through cargo logs to find out what the stowaways had taken, and re-order everything. The Breen were still out there and would have to be watched, as well as the Portland, unless she had returned by now. The stowaways needed quarters for when they got out of sickbay. And there still were about a million things to do for him concerning the move. He just hoped that Flight OPS would be quiet today. With this rather long "to do list" on his mind Damian sighed and started his laps.

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