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Kansas Kenickie

A Still Night

A Still Night


The silence..... was ear spliting, it made the hair on Kansas's arms stand up, it was intolerable for her to lay there helpless.. Kansas struggled to move seconds after she hit the ground, but nothing happened. She could feel a cool breeze against her face, from her position on the ground the sky looked endless. It would have been a breath taking sight if they had not been under attack by something… She stopped trying to move once she heard it...... something was approaching from the sky, she tried to tilt her head to get a better view but nothing happened. She mentally cursed and tried to move again. With no moon to light the night’s sky, even with her enhanced vision she couldn’t fully make out what was coming from the above. Since she is no squint she had to guess with no illumination in the sky it effected what she could or couldn’t, she made a mental note to get more information once they returned to the ship. A few moments later she saw something very large fly off with something, or someone…. She tried to move again and grunted. Someone got the drop on them and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She had let her team down and now someone was paying for it.


After what felt like days Kansas leaped to her feet, scooping up her rifle at the same time. She glances to the sky, then dashed to the shuttle to turn on the exterior flood lights of the shuttle… her next thought was to get to Captain Sovak, to make sure he was *there* and get his tail in the shuttle and secure, then worry about everyone else.

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