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Cmdr Ba'alyo

Commander Zen Ba'alyo

Zen Ba'alyo (ZEN Bay-ALL-yo), Commander

Executive Officer, USS Challenger NCC-2457

Species : Efrosian

Gender : male

Height : 6'0"

Weight : 180 lbs.

Eye Color : White

Hair Color : White

Place of Birth : Efros Delta



Ba'alyo is a skilled navigator with an aptitude for stellar cartography. Before transferring to the command division, he served as a science specialist in subspace field dynamics. He used these combined skills in support of the failed transwarp project on the Excelsior-class.


He has served short stints as a scientist and navigator on a series of starships including the Triumph, Reliant, Yorktown, Ardent, Excelsior, and Lexington. He was also based on Starbase 24, from where he ventured on Klingon ships to conduct border inspections, monitor treaty compliance, and observe the dismantling of several Klingon star fortresses.


His assignment to Challenger is his first posting as executive officer on a starship.


Efrosian Physiology

Since Efrosian eyesight includes some infrared and ultraviolet ability, this adversely affects their ability to see in the visual range used by most humanoids. This results in mild color and contrast blindness. Ba'alyo sometimes uses optical aids during briefings to help. The Efrosian species has an inherent, limited sensitivity to electromagnetic and subspace fields.



Efficiency reports describe Ba'alyo as a reflective officer who works to develop and use skills in others. He is quick to accept and provide counsel. Although his assignments have been generally short, he has maintained relationships with officers and enlisted personnel throughout the fleet.



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