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Poker And Running The Bluff

Poker And Running The Bluff


Personal Log: Eagle,James,T.,Lt.,Tactical Officer,U.S.S. Arcadia


Computer begin log:..Beep...


The AT has just beamed back onboard. The countdown clock is progressing along...still narrowing the time availed us to possibly come up with a viable way to mediate and possibly offer a peaceful alternative.Time indeed ..were we afforded more time we may have been enabled to contact the Federations diplomatic core.


The Inechie and the Nevulzians both have a clearly joined past,their language even springs from a common base syllabary,Changed over the centuries,written,or expressed differently is sure.The AT should be running their data gathered below. I have a sincere to see this awkward situation we find ourselves involved in come to a non destructive end resulting in the two races learning and working out a way to cohabit the planet in peace.


There is a certainty here as well...neither races are members of the Federation and therefore cannot be protected,or have us interfering with their civil disagreement in a military fashion. The thought has occurred to me though..there may be a way to run what is called a bluff to both parties, hopefully resulting in the agreement of said parties to at least meet and set down to negotiate instead of war.


The two races if properly approached might be made to understand that their respective races do go to war with each other..We cannot interfere,as long as their conflict remains a localized conflict. The races might as well be advised that if either parties attack this ship,or crew that would be considered a blatant act of war. They may be informed should either one seek to spread their conflict to neighboring systems...possibly endangering races that are members of the UFP,it will be met with swift and sure retaliation.


The parties when faced with the data we have gathered and can show them they have a shared history and would benefit greatly with cooperation with each other and a war pursuit would possibly cancel out both parties...that would be such a waste,not only to them but possibly to the UFP as well. I realize the Captain is doing his level best to have as much information as is possible...I find my thoughts considering the alternatives if the mediation fails,Time will tell...and time is running out. Computer: End log:..Beep..

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