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"You seemed in a hurry to leave the bridge," Victria mused as she nabbed a seat near Mark and flipped it around backwards. Settling in, she rested her arms up on the back and tilted her head to read the data padd in his hand. "Reviewing tactics?"


Garrison snapped to, finally breaking out of his dull stare-down with the clock. He was somehow still awake, though he looked more like a zombie. "Too much debate..." He took a sip of his coffee. "...For no resolution."


"There are too many unknowns for a definitive resolution at this point. I was disappointed that it did not end in bloodshed." A slight flash of her fangs as she smiled. "I am due back on the bridge shortly. One of the patrols was off schedule and I was called to correct the gap."


He groaned while rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, rather embarrassed that Victria had to be called off the bridge for a simple patrol. "This is a coordinating nightmare. Even sharing the load with the Marines, nearly everyone in the department is running a patrol during some shift."


"Yes. And any delays further compound the issue and throw off the other patrols. Patrols are being interrupted for mundane issues, which was the issue in this case. Some of the crew do not seem to realize that our security personnel are protecting their lives and not simply in the area as available muscle for heavy lifting."


He smirked, recalling lazy border patrols with the Mercutio, where excitement was what you got to lift on your shift. "I just don’t get it some days. Most of this crew served on the previous Excalibur, they've seen what this quadrant is like, and that this isn't your average tour, but they all bicker like little children!"


"I have noticed that sometimes it is easier to argue than it is to face the situation and the difficult decisions that must be mad,” she pointed out. “All we can do is provide viable options. You must admit that though the discussion may have been mildly heated, it did produce several interesting ideas."


He nodded in agreement. "You have a point there, though it was a bit too...democratic for me. And don't get me started on Tia. Dressing down the Captain like that? In front of the entire bridge? She wouldn't have lasted long in Starfleet if she'd joined during the war."


Victria arched an eyebrow slightly, but then she had different ideas about the chain of command. "Corizon can take care of himself. Perhaps he enjoys the challenge now and again. Ruling absolutely can grow dull without the occasional rebellion to quash,” she mused. “What have you been working on in the meantime?"


"Well, besides patrols... I got a comm from crewman Baxter...Baker...Bark...whatever. His team has been working on the sensors since everyone else is busy with the Cloak. I thought I'd go down and check their progress, and let you handle the meeting." A coy little smile traced his lips as he'd found yet another way to avoid the bridge crazies.


"I see. Running, are you?" She smirked despite his smugness. "I do not mind. I actually find the clash of opinions amusing, though it is a slightly disturbing when I am one of the most composed."


He gave her a good natured smile, a bit surprised himself. "I doubt it’s going to get us anywhere, but I still think it's important that we follow anything that might improve our internal defenses.”


"Agreed. We still have yet to determine a way to keep the Boganary transporters from penetrating our shields, which does not bode well for this mission should they decide on another raid."


"Right, right." He nodded and dug through the pile of padds before him before procuring one, and handing it over to Victria. "I was thinking that because we have so many teams, we should remap auxiliary tactical to manage our security teams during a boarding. Just plug it in and the holographics should take care of the rest."


"A valid suggestion. Overlaid with interior scans of the ship, it would at least give us an idea of where each team is clustered, provided that the Boganary do not manage to destroy the sensor nodes again." She accepted the padd and glanced at it briefly. "I shall broach the subject during the meeting."


Thanks." He yawned, and then quickly took a swig of coffee. He glanced at the clock again, taking careful notice of how long this day was grinding by. "You know... I thought you said you were on patrol?"


"No. I said that I went to correct a patrol. Actually, I am headed back on the bridge." She rose and righted the chair. "I will be sure to give the Captain your regards."


He blinked. "Oh right." He finished off the coffee. "I should probably go to engineering. Sitting around isn't doing much to keep me awake."


"Enjoy yourself," she said. "I will let you know what is decided. I am sure a decision will be... eventually."


He nodded with a smile and gave her pat on the shoulder as he exited the officer’s lounge.

Edited by Victria

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