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As Seiben sits at his console on the freighter Revere, he monitors the output levels as he and the ship head for the cloaked alien vessel.  "Hmm" he thinks.  "Romulan.. definately Romulan".  sitting back on his chair, he is reminded of his friend Sorel.  Sorel tought Seiben everything he knew about Romulan ships and technology.  Sorel was a Romulan defector.  He couldn't stand all the corruption in Romulus,so he asked the Federation for asylum.  After countless numbers of truth tests to see if he is lying, the Federation decided he's telling the truth, and decided to grant him his wish.  They first met on the USS Regal.  Seiben officially was just a passenger, (he was on vacation in Risa and needed a ride back to Earth) but the capitan let him watch and help the engineering crew to help him gain experience in Academy.  The Regal was escorting Sorel to Earth, and Sorel decided he wanted to live in Berlin.  Seiben's home town.  So, because none of the crew knows too much about Berlin, Seiben ws recruited to show him around, and help him find a good place to live.  At first, Seiben was very resentful of being around a Romulan.  But it was as a favour to the capitan and since he let Seiben help and observe in engineering, he felt he owed the capitan.  So when the Regal returned to Earth, Seiben showed Sorel all the sights and sounds Berlin has to offer. And during this time, Sorel and Seiben became friends.  Sorel was an engineer on a Romulan ship, so in exchange for asylum, Sorel was required to divulge information on Romulan technology, and Seiben was the only officer he trusted. Seiben sat in his chair, and reflected.. he knew more about Romulan technology than some Romulans thanks to Sorel.. and that can be quite useful here. Seiben smiled and began monitoring energy levels again.

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