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Arrenhe tr'Khev

Time Out

Time has a tendency to stand still during extreme moments, both good and bad. Of course any good chronometer, geeky scientist, or bland android will tell you it actually doesn't do that unless you're in the middle of a temporal anomaly, but even in the depths of mysterious space that's a rare occurrence. Of course the basic fact of the matter is that the mind, a tricky beast under ideal circumstances, has a way of altering perception without much direction and even less control. The fact that perception is based entirely upon one's relative viewpoint, and relativity everyone knows is the most annoying scientific concept, skews the nature of what is truth to such a point that it's completely possible to throw everything in the universe under a microscope and say it's utter crap.


So, when little Arrenhe tr'Khev came out and said directly to the face of Destorie Ma'Lyn N'Dak "Honesty then... I find au temperament and methods to be despicable, but au are a N'Dak" the dheno's relative time did that pause thing for a while as his brain considered not only various ways for the elder Rihan to punish him for the comment, but ways he could do it himself. This was precisely why politics was completely out of the question for him, irregardless of his family's long-term prowess with the art. Open the door for his mouth to open and sound to come out, unless it's a musical composition it's likely to be something utterly inappropriate and unwise. Just because one says "speak au's mind" doesn't mean one has to, though of course Arrenhe doesn't seem to understand that.


As time continued to hold for him, thankfully without the kitchy background music and assurances that the next available representative will be with him shortly, he pondered whether or not N'Dak would dare bludgeon him to death while this meeting was on both of their appointment calendars and it was known, in the dheno department anyway, that the little one would be there. Unlikely, probably, as N'Dak was far too smart and sneaky to take such a risk, and certainly patient enough to find a better opportunity to dump him out an airlock.


Of course with his career hanging on a thread, or at least the organic nerves and muscle fiber in his right arm, it was certainly a good way, Arrenhe figured, to get that decision over with sooner rather than later. Maybe, if the unexpected goodie-two-shoes N'Dak managed to stick around long enough, he could be dumped at DS9 before they entered the wormhole instead of experiencing cold-blooded murder. He could only hope, and deal with transportation difficulties gladly instead of figuring out how to navigate any afterlife instead.


So, as his brain prepared to start the play clock back up again and let N'Dak finally make his response to such a direct and politically inauspicious comment, Arrenhe wondered if he'd be sacked or if he still had an opportunity to at least take an intentional grounding.

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I think you stunned him so much......he didn't have the words to reply!!


::that or he fell asleep:: LOL


(I can say that, cause I've done it myself before........)


Just kick him in the shin if he don't answer soon, besides the Khre'riov seems to have made a project out of you..... It would be in his best interest not to kill her project....lol

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