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Rue Wydown

Sanity Break



“So this is why you were excited about the new digs. So you can slack off without the audience. “


Badonk-thunk………..”Yeah, right,” ……badonk-thunk………badonk-thunk.


“Want me to read another?”


Badonk-thunk….”Sore throat.” The Chief Medical Officer smirked, then returned to tossing the small blue racquet ball against the wall. Badonk-thunk….. deftly catching it in her left hand before tossing it with her right. Finola Gray watched the blue blur her roommate was lobbing at her office wall for a moment before turning to the PADD in her lap.


“Laryngeal cancer which is cancer of the larynx. You’ll need to see an otolaryngologist. In the meantime obsess about artificial voiceboxes. Although you know, it’s probably too much yelling.” Finola glanced up at Rue and for a moment both women remained silent. Badonk-thunk……….. the sound of the ball hitting the wall broke the hush and soon the room was full of tittering giggles.


“So why are you hiding in here on your break? Aren’t’ you the one who insist sanctity of the sanity break?” FInola scrolled through the view on the PADD.


“Headache.” Rue sighed. Badonk-thunk………..badonk-thunk




“No, I mean read ‘headache’ from the PADD.” Rue smirked. Badonk-thunk……….. “I couldn’t leave. Things are messed up down here as it is. I’m down two doctors because their personal life is a mess. I have another who will have to be searched for Klingon painsticks before she exacts her own personal corporeal punishment. I have Commander who’s looking for early parole even though we just emancipated her from ICU.” Rue leaned over to peer out the opening door passed Finola just to check to see if JoNs was resting. “I am afraid that if I leave, our sickbay is going to implode.”


“In that case, I understand. Although be warned, when you start instituting strip searches for your employees I am *not* coming to visit you up here anymore.” Finola glanced back down to her PADD. “Headache – you may have a brain tumor which is a growth of abnormal cells. You’ll need to see a neurologist. In the meantime, you’ll be obsessing about losing the sense of smell. But you know, it’s probably just stress.” Finola snickered softly. “What is this thing anyway?”


“ ‘Yes, You’re Probably Dying – A Hypochondriac’s Key to Worst-Case Scenarios.’ Isn’t it a kick? Clayton sent it to me for my birthday this year. He thinks that this should scare me about turning 40.” Rue arched her eyebrows. “There was a reason we never had kids. There were two kids in that relationship in the first place, we didn’t need to add another one .” Rue paused a moment before tossing the ball over handed at the basket in the office corner. Too much bounce. The blue projectile ricocheted against the basket walls until it freed itself to skitter across the floor, coming to rest under Finola’s chair. Rue glanced at her roommate before making a ‘gimme’ motion with her hand.


Finola scooped the plastic fun ball up and placed it in her friend’s hand. “So what did you do to keep the Commander so quiet?”


“Gave her some reading material. “


“OH please don’t tell me you gave her—“


“The Rooster Crowed at Midnight by Abigail Porterfield? Uh huh. Among others She has choices.” Rue smirked.


“You’ve got a real wicked sense of humor.”


“I know.” Rue flashed a cheeky grin. “Years in space have really warped me. Warp. Get it?” Finola made a face at her friend. “Fine. Just read ‘Blurred Vision’.”


“Blurred Vision – You may have Mad Cow Disease which is a degenerative brain disorder. Again with the neurologist. In the meantime obsess about not eating meat. But it’s probably just a hangover.”


“Hmmmm…I’m going to have to remember that one….” Badonk-thunk………..badonk-thunk………badonk-thunk.

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