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" A long day "

Keraz was feeling tired. It had been a long day of endless tests, diagnostics and modifications. He felt like there wasn’t one inch of the ship that hadn’t broken down, and since the chief had been on an away mission Keraz was the one who had to fix it all. Now he finally had some time for himself.


   Keraz walked out of engineering and into the nearby turbo lift, “ Deck 7 “. The turbo lift started moving. Keraz’s human friends had said they found the “hum” of a turbo lift quite relaxing, but Keraz found it extremely annoying. The lifts had seemed increasingly slow today, but Keraz had run tests on them and they seemed to be working in “normal” condition. The Federation standard of “normal” had always seemed to lax for Keraz, he had wanted to join the Klingon defense force until he found how engineers were treated on klingon ships. They were not considered to be “Real Warriors” though without them a ship could not function. The lift came to a stop and its’ doors opened. Keraz walked up to the holodeck and tapped its’ panel, “ Computer run program Keraz 3” the doors opened and Keraz walked in.


    The program Keraz had chosen today was one of his many programs that reenacted great battles with the user being one of the main leaders or warriors in the battle. This one was the great Klingon battle of bat’ju, in which the at that time low ranking Klingon warrior Mar’tok fought off 15 traitor’s of the empire in hand to hand combat. Keraz was standing at the entrance to the traitor’s stronghold. “ Computer, I want a bat,leth, steel, exactly 3 feet with a leather handle”. The blade appeared in keraz’s hand. Keraz charged into the stronghold, yelling an ancient Klingon war cry. The clangs of steel against steel and the deafening crys of the Klingon warrior rang through the holodeck for hours.


                            “ A long day” log of ensign Keraz.

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