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Guest Fiona Weber


Fiona leaned against the edge of her desk, considering the Trill woman before her. "So, has the exact reason for your sleeping problems been pinpointed?"


"You really want to know?" She shrugged slightly. "About seven years ago while on an away mission I was abducted by a mad scientist who altered my DNA, turned me into a mutant creature, turned me against the crew and left me with a craving for cinnabons." Rian spoke as this was all matter of fact. She'd come to terms with most of it. Most of it. "Since then, I've been haunted with dreams of buzzing creatures, dark caves and a scary guy with dreams of universal domination." A grim smile as she glanced up at Fiona.


The doctor nodded. "So some genetic mutations coupled with disturbing REM phases. And the last time you were on medication was about... six months ago?"


"Yep." The Trill looked down, clearly embarrassed. "I was off the medication for a brief period of time after we...uh...well that prophet situation. Which is ironic, considering what they did was paramount to what the freaky spider-wasp mad scientist did. Instead, I just seemed to live with the situation and relaxed. My sleep patterns weren't 'normal' per say, but were far better than they were before. Then, it started back up again." She shook her head, still staring at Fiona's desk rather than the doctor herself. After a moment, she looked back up and smiled another tense smile.


"Have you been more stressed than usual?" Fiona asked briskly, slipping behind her desk to tap at the console.


Flat sarcastic tones as she responded. "I led an away mission where Jax and Robinson either fought or got us captured by rogue Jem'Hadar. Does that count?"


"Well," she answered carefully, "this is Republic. But yes, I suppose it counts anyway." Fiona retrieved a data chip out of her desk, plugging it into her monitor. "I have a treatment in mind that might work. It could, potentially, cure the problem -- at least the side of it that arose with your mad scientist boyo..."


"What is it? A time machine?" She smirked.


"No... it's a gene alteration reversal treatment," Weber answered, disclosing the bare minimum of what was required. Standard procedure. "It's... somewhat experimental... but its results were... promising..."


"Gene alteration reversal treatment?" Rian raised a brow. "This isn't like those nanobots Huff used on me the last time, is it?" The Trill bit her lip again. "And how does this work?"


"Basically, it will rewrite your DNA to the last known recorded sample we had. It won't affect your mind," in theory and most practice, "but it'll remove any of the base RNA sequencing decay that occurred when he messed with the genes."


"And what does that do to my memories?"


"Absolutely nothing," she answered. "It'll just clean up DNA -- the retrovirus is basically programmed to leave long-term brain cells alone."


"So how does this help my insomnia issue?"


"It cures half of it. Your body's not telling your conscious mind this, but the subconscious is aware that you're... ah, to be blunt... slightly... not-Trill. This will erase that factor. As far as the memories that are triggering these dreams, I'm going to recommend a two-fold treatment -- a new medication I'm prescribing, and Holly twice a week."


Slightly maniacal tone to her laugh as Kwai answered. "Holly? Are you sure?" She cleared her throat, serious tone again. "No offense but the last time I encountered Holly, she pinned me to a ladder with flypaper and sprayed me with bug spray." Rian glanced at the ceiling, calling out to the AI, "Not that I hold grudges or anything." She then glanced back at Fiona. "I'm not so sure about her."


"Well... I suppose you could find someone else to discuss it with. The key is to unbury it, so sleep isn't your only outlet."


"Okay. I understand that." Kwai nodded. "So you really think this is the best course of action?"


"I do." Fiona gave her a slightly chilly smile, then handed her a small data-disk. "This will have your prescription for the medication. You'll want a full hypo shot of it every night before you sleep. And make certain you have a full six to eight hours to sleep before you use it."


She paused before she took the data disk, then took it. "Aye, okay." She examined the data-disk, exhaling heavily, blowing her bangs of the way when she did.


"I'll work on programming the retrovirus tonight. Anything else? You'll come back tomorrow for that," she added.


"No, no, I think that's it. And thank you for this." Kwai waved the data-disk. "Really, I appreciate it." She stood up, biting her lip.


"I should hope so," Fiona fluttered, smiling innocently. "I'll be working overtime to work on the retrovirus."


Rian chuckled softly, nodded a little, then headed for the door. "I'll see you tomorrow then I guess."


"Certainly," the doctor nodded. "In the meantime... sleep well, Captain."

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