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Guest Sar'vek t'Jhiin


Na ever had Sar'vek had so many wonderful new toys in io place. Even when she was a child on Tomed, ch'Ristmas never came close to the bounty she'd pulled with this upgrade. And to think that she had originally scorned it, thinking "upgrade" was unnecessary -- pure "repairs" could have been made so much faster.


She'd hardly recognized the science lab when she'd walked back into it -- for a frightening moment, t'Jhiin had thought herself on the wrong ship. Talon had to have some (hidden) friends in high places to garner the most state-of-the-art technology Galae had to offer. Normally she preferred to thoroughly question such windfalls, as they na often ended well, and she would h'nah, but... for the moment, she was accepting them without too much concern.


Aside from the scores of sensor pallet upgrades (she could na even keep track of all those), they'd been refitted with some still beta-testing astrophysics measures -- na to mention the stellar cartographing tools. And on top of that, all of the laboratory equipment was sparkling-new -- na yet a scratch or dent from young scientists who became too... overzealous...


Most everything was going well. She'd say it was all going too well, but... it was na. The lizard -- the last of the venomous ios that had been aboard -- was gone. Na a mention of it in the upgrades reports -- na a mention of it in crew logs....


She'd hardly even thought about it when she'd left the ship, forgetting in her haste that na io would be left on the ship but engineers. It did na seem like it would matter too, horribly, though -- the lizard was kept well-fed, and was in na danger of y'ya from starvation or dehydration.


So where, exactly, was it? H'nah there was na sign even of its existence -- na a cage, or a water dish, or a leftover feeder-rodent.... It was odd, to say the least.


Internal sensors revealed nothing. But that had happened before -- they liked the warm, engine-happy places that sensors struggled with.


It'd turn up -- it'd have to. Once it got hungry and thirsty and...


For some reason or another, that thought hurt far more than it ever should have.


Had Sar'vek grown a soft spot for a lizard? Powers. She hoped na.

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Had Sar'vek grown a soft spot for a lizard? Powers. She hoped na.


Oh oh...we have a gator in the sewer

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It had better not bite me again!

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