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Annabelle O'Halloran

Science Officer's Log - Negen Prime

-This log takes place before Red Alert and Lt. Hilee's visit to SciLab.



Anna eased back in her chair, allowing it to tip back just far enough to feel dangerous, her eyes scanning the results of the most recent seismograms captured by Manticore's scanners from Negen Prime. Negen's Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources had made all current and archival data references to neotectonic activity available and those had been uploaded along with the recent seismograms to form a predictive model. Not that seismology was ever what you could really call predictable but the computer should be able to clearly show if any geological after effects from the attack could be expected. She'd already run a similar one for the meteorological. The computer's chirp had her slamming her chair back in the upright position while relegating the seismogram data to a subfolder with reckless abandon as she queued up the finished model. Tapping quickly past the introduction that explained the parameters used, she set the report to slowly scroll and leaned in to read, activating a PADD to take notes. She had to get the results to Ceannasaí Escher as soon as possible. Anna paused the report and lifted her eyes to look across the lab to the clear aluminum...pen? It was very large. She glanced over at Ian who was busy working on his own analysis and decided not to ask about the pen again. Giant spiders, cryptic references to sealed data. So far, Ian engendered more questions than he answered. With a last suspicious look at the clear conundrum in the corner she turned her attention back to the model.




"Science Officer's Log," Anna typed to the PADD, mindful of Ian's close proximity and not wanting to disturb him with a verbal entry. She added the time/date stamp and continued tapping. "Recent evaluation of the geological and meteorological impact to Negen Prime stemming from the anonymous attack of Star Date 50806.08 has not resulted in any permanent damage to either the planet's crust or atmosphere. There was a notable spike in activity registered by the planet's seismographic sensors but subsequent scans by the Manticore and an in depth analysis of current plate tectonics do not indicate that any seismological event will be forthcoming. There was an incredible amount of silicate liquefaction at impact sites and the material has been shown to be made up of the normal mineral content of the region. The apparatus of this phenomenon has still not been conclusively determined but the signature would almost have to be that of a very specific type of generated and intensely focused energy."


The kind found in Federation weapon design. Anna stopped typing and again felt that feeling of unreality slip over her that she'd been struggling against since coming aboard just 12 hours ago. So many on the planet below lay dead, so many more injured; horribly and agonizingly by radiation burns. Or their lives crushed as their homes came down around them. In her mind's eye she saw the shocking images of suffering and devastation that the Away Teams had uploaded. There was that smell when you walked by Sickbay and the doors opened... Anna pushed the thoughts away. They weren't helping and she had to finish this for the Príomh.


"Negen's atmosphere was not permanently damaged although there were significantly increased NO [nitrogen oxide] levels recorded which are still dissipating. Hypervelocity shock waves are partially responsible but ground scan analysis indicates that at least one of the strikes hit a body of salt water and the resulting steam of carbonate rich vapor was hurled into the stratosphere. Prevailing winds have weakened the NO concentration to the point that there will be no residual acid rain."


It was the work of a few seconds to upload the duty log to Escher's attention. Anna found herself staring at the blinking yellow bar that signified yellow alert. The impulse engines had switched over to warp drive which meant they'd left Negen behind. She wondered if the civilians had been transferred off the ship from Medical. She wondered how many of them would make it.



Ceannasaí = Commander

Príomh = Chief

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