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Notes on Godhead

Subject : Notes

From : Tia

To : Laarell

CC : Tristan, Victria


I have more conjecture and questions than solutions. Some puzzles I am considering.


Boganary technology levels extremely varied. Shields very poor. Fighter drive systems capable enough to run down Excalibur. Warrior cultures typically favor offense over defense, but the speed of the fighters while still having offensive capability is unusual.


Boganary course was intercept from an extreme distance. They were coming straight at us from the moment of first contact, and we located theme at extreme range because of their jammers. How did they know our position and course? 1) Their sensor capability is very very good, comparable or better than Federation, which would not be expected of a warrior culture. 2) They have a picket system, ships or sensor buoys, that picked us up as we entered their space. 3) They knew we were coming from non-technological intelligence.


The Boganary seem unfamiliar with ‘all big gun’ ship design. Most species implement only a few weapon systems on any given ship. Most try to have a light speed weapon suitable for sublight battle and rapidly dispatching small craft, and a FTL system to cover battles at warp. Larger numbers of weapon systems reduce the space and power available to make the few systems decisive. In addition, their emphasis on offense over defense just does not seem effective against traditional design. What sort of environment and culture led them to their multi weapons doctrine? How is it that they have not been handled by a race favoring a more traditional design?


There is a sort of symmetry in the Satarimi asking us to retrieve the ‘crownstone,’ the ‘Parein.’ As a condition for their help in restoring the Dominion’s gods, we must first restore their own godhead?


What type of people do they think we are, that they ask this of us? Do we want to know?


What is the Federation thinking?


Is the Federation thinking?

Edited by Tia

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