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USS Arcadia

The chewana root vapors are restored in the ventilation system.


Dr Tynte, on his medical authority, delays Captain Lo'Ami's order to launch the shuttle to MKor DSamim. The two men face off and eventually reach an agreement that if Lo'Ami still exhibits signs of being influenced by the drug in 24 hrs, he would be removed from command.


The ventilation system is isolated on the deck with sickbay, as a safe place for those who had severe reactions to the drug in the first place. Everyone else is allowed to continue work in the drugged state.


The shuttle/probe system is launched, monitored by the engineers and scientists. It is found that MKor DSamim does not have sufficient root resources to pay the Axrekravians. Arcadia refills the remainder its cargo hold with inactive root, with the intent to chemically convert it to the active form.


On Axrekrav, Ens Riley continues searching for the source of the gunfire in the woods. He suffers a headache as withdrawal from the cigarettes he used earlier. He eventually finds and follows a newly paved road.


A hovercraft drops off less than half the supplies the away team requested. Lt Eagle informs the team about the drug that he learned from his experiences in the mines. They also notice the lack of guards and theorize that something larger is happening on the planet. They hatch a plan to try to find the storage areas and seize some of the drugs (that some of them are now addicted to) and use them as a bargaining chip to win their own release. First, they take their supplies and scavenge the labor camp for anything useful.


Eagle takes a small team to the commandant's office.


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