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Yeoman C.


"I...I....ugh," the Xenexian fumbled for words. "I wanted to apologize for the other day..." She glanced around the ready room, suddenly wondering if this had been the best of ideas.


Corizon looked up, "Huh?"


"You know... when I accused you of..." she looked down again. "J'gztch't... with the vampi...err Lieutenant Victria..."


Corizon chuckled. "Oh yes, the bestializing incident..."


Odile looked ready to die. "Uhhh.... yes. So," she continued, hoping to mimimize the awkwardness of the situation, she handed over a lump of... paper wrapped around an object. "I bought you a present to apologize."


"A... bone..."


She nodded quickly, grinning. "It's a Satarimi amulet, though you could chew on it if you'd like, I'm sure. Maybe it's your lucky bone!"


The Dameon looked at her for a very long moment, trying to proccess the situation and failing utterly. "My... lucky bone..."


"You know... canines... always have bones to chew on..." Odile suddenly had the sense of being in a very deep chasm and using a shovel. "And it's a good luck amulet..." she stammered.


"I'll make sure to get the slave a whip next place we're at," he said ruefully, biting on the bone and finding it utterly disgusting.


She blinked a few times. "Sir?"


"You know... slaves... always need a whip."


"Slaves?" she asked, clearly baffled and horrified all in one.


He pointed to her, trying his best to be serious. "Xenexians are to slaves, what Dameons are to the common canine."


Her eyes widened. "Oh... oh!" She shook her head wildly. "Sir, I wasn't implying that you were... a dog... I'd just heard someone in medical commenting that you chew on bones... and..."


"I do."


"Oh." She tried thinking about that, then realized she was giggling. "Then it is a good gift..."


"Now run along," he said chuckling. "I am sure you have duties to attend too."


"Yes, Captain." She stood, nodding once, and unable to keep from smiling. "Enjoy the bone."


He placed it on the edge of his desk, as not to offend the little Xenexian, and she scampered out, happy and certain that the captain would enjoy his present. See, she thought to herself. She was good at picking gifts.

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