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Kent and Pilot in the Barracks

Malik laid on his bed in the barracks looking up at the top bunk, his comrades around him. He was restless and also tired, along with worried about Brian. He had ran off and we couldn't find him. We thought we could of caught him but I guess we were wrong. "Sam, how are you doing?" He awaited her response.


Sam had not really been sure she was going to make it back to the barracks. Forty-eight hours and two workshifts and a trial without sleep had taken a severe toll on her, and she had staggered up the ladder to her bunk and passed out almost immediately, shivering under the thin blanket. When Malik spoke, for a moment she didn't quite register it, then started awake and turned her head to lean down to look at him. "Better now..." she said truthfully.


Malik thought to himself for a moment and speaking in his mind. I wonder if we are ever going to get out of this place. I went straight from the Academy to a Ship to Prison. All within the same time period it seems like. This experience is one for the record books of my life. I actually thought at first, I was going to die here. But I have a faith in my new crew, family even. They will come and rescue us, I know it.


Sam rolled back onto her back, shutting her eyes and hovering on the edge of sleep. "How are you managing, Mal?" she asked quietly after a few seconds, appreciating the gesture of concern and feeling like she ought to return it.


Malik rolled out of his bed and edged up the ladder and looks at Sam. "I am doing fine, and I am going to see if you can stay here and get some rest when they call us out again. It's the least I can do, my friend." Malik smiled then gave her a friendly kiss on the forehead.


Sam shook her head slowly. "I'll be fine by the time the shift starts up again. I just needed a bed under me for a few hours." She reached over and squeezed his shoulder. "Appreciate the thought, though -- really. Thanks. But the fact is, I'd be a lot more miserable in here wondering what was happening to you guys than I will be out there and a little tired."


Pilot looked at her. "Thats very loving of you." Pilot looked at the crew as they did their usual thing in the barracks. "But I wonder if Eagle is going to be okay, Brian as well."


Sam's expression tightened in worry at Brian's name. "I don't know what Brian was thinking. And if he gets himself killed..." Her voice trailed off -- she didn't like the idea of losing a friend like that. "As for Eagle...he took a beating." She grimaced. "We'd better hope we come up with a plan before we all end up in the same boat."


Pilot looked at her as he stood on the ladder still, "I wish I knew more legal info on Betazed law, I am sure they couldn't held me here, I am citizen of Betazed and Earth. My father is a diplomat for the Betazed government. My mother is a rep for the Federation during First Contact like situations, I am sure she nor my father are pleased at this moment." Pilot frowned a bit. "I am not an evil minded person, but if it was up to me I would Imprison all those so-called politicians and judges. Bastards."


Sam chuckled. "My father is a diplomat too...Bajoran -- but that doesn't help us here. We've submitted to the planetary authorities; the Federation may not even have a voice here anymore. We may be on our own...unless the captain is doing something up there with the ship." She paused, then looked at him with a half-grin. "I think a full-blown attack on their justice system might be construed as a violation of the Prime Directive, you know...so don't go rushing off." She paused, then scowled. "Like Brian did."


Pilot looked into her brown eyes and said, "Unless after this whole ordeal they decide to attack the Federation. I think that will be rightfully in our rights. And I would be willing to fly a fighter back and blow stuff up like there was no tomorrow, damn these akxverian bastards." Pilot said firmly. "I will protect the Fleet and what it stands for, AT ANY COST."


Sam looked at him tiredly, shaking her head. "One step at a time, Mal...we need to get out of here and find out what's going on first..."


Malik patted her on the head, "I know I just felt justicey right then, and thats what came to mind. Let's get some sleep. Move over." Pilot pretended as if he was going to get in bed with her then stopped. "I am kidding. Night Sammy baby." Pilot moved back down to his bunk and laid down.


Sam rolled her eyes, grinning in spite of herself at the joke. "Believe me, Mal...I hate this as much as you do, but the last thing this team needs is another of us running off half-cocked." She watched him climb down the ladder and then looked up to stare at the stone ceiling again. We're going in circles... she thought to herself, frustrated. Repeating ourselves...we keep saying we have to do something, but how?


Malik heard her thoughts, and sat up and said "What do you mean?" Pilot climbbed back up the ladder at her, looking confused.


Sam jumped, glancing over at Malik as his head poked back up over the bed, then shrugged, sighing. "Just that I don't like feeling as helpless as we are. I'm afraid to give up but they hold all the cards here and we hold none."


Pilot placed his hand onto her shoulder, "As long as we stick together we hold wild cards." Pilot smiles.


Sam chuckled. "I know. I just hope we don't lose any more of us...and I hope Brian comes back all right."


Malik looked at her. "Well I am not declaring him missing just yet, he will come back and he can handle himself, he is a tought little bugger for a pilot." Malik smiled.


Sam returned the smile, still worried but appreciating the intended comfort. "I know...it's just one more thing to worry about that we don't need. What was he thinking?"


Malik looked at her and said, "Shots."


"Yeah...shots..." Sam shook her head. "Eagle said they were coming from the mines...and the guards said that's where we're headed eventually. We're on a time limit, Mal. A big one."


Malik looked at her, "I know. I am imagining that since we were invited, I am sure other Factions are here as well, Romulans, Cardassians, Ferengi, Klingons even." Pilot looked worried. "I wonder if those shots being fired has anything to do with them." Pilot thinking, "Possibly, those rogue citizens are planning on overthrowing the government, if they do, I hope we don't killed in the process."


"I hope we're so lucky...who knows if there even are any rebels out there." Sam thought back to Ken, the "revolutionary" who had turned out to be nothing more than a plant. That seemed like another lifetime altogether.


Pilot nods. "I can't imagine why we wouldn't be. But this government obviously needs to change, it is flawed." Pilot shook his head.


Sam shrugged, shifting to rest her head on one arm. "It's not our job to change them..." she said tiredly, parroting words her father had said to her many times on strange worlds she had visited with him. "All we can do is get out of here and let them sort out their own problems."


Pilot gently rubbed her face, "You are cute when you're saying smart things." Pilot smiles and quickly retracts his hand. "Sorry Sam." Malik looking embarassed.


Sam eyed him for a few seconds, too tired to really try and figure out what he was doing. "Thanks," she said quietly after a pause.


Pilot looks at her, "Sorry got caught up in the moment I was having or something." Pilot confused at what to say at this point.


Sam shrugged noncommittally at him, her expression unreadable; she liked Malik a great deal, but this was more than she was interested in dealing with at the moment.


Pilot looked at her, "Say something."


Sam smiled dryly. "Something like what?" She shifted again, then shook her head. "I'm too tired for this game right now, Malik." Her voice wasn't angry or evasive, just...distracted.


Pilot said, "I wasn't playing a game, but so be it. Go to sleep Ms. Kent. I will see you in the morning." Pilot climbed down and got back into his bunk. I just made an ass out of myself. For no reason...he thought and shook his head.


Sam watched him climb back down the ladder, slightly bewildered by his response. Yet another thing to worry about...but later. She flopped onto her back again, staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before letting her eyes shut and falling back into sleep.

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