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If you could make a Star Trek series yourself....

53 posts in this topic
Actually I thought the idea for Enterprise was an excellent one for a TV series. I would have done it differently tho. The series would be all about how Starfleet came about and the Federation. First contacts with the different species, meeting the ancestors of everyone (Kirk, Spock, Picard, etc), the creation of the Prime Directive, the building of Starfleet Academy, the perfecting of star trek technology, the forming of all the treaties, the creation of the neutral zone, etc. I think it would be cool to have a series that shows how everthing happened and then progressed.


Me, too. I was so excited about ENT because I thought it would show all the prime directive and first contact stuff being written, and the klingon friction, which ENT kept hinting at but never actually did. But now that ENT has been done you can't do that series anymore and the only way to go is forward, which is why I think that Star Trek is really losing its timing now, with the new movie.

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My only reservation about series set increasingly into the future is that by about the time of the 25th century (as seen in the alternate timeline glimpsed in Endgame) and then further into the 26th century, we start seeing a lot of technology creep. Having the ability to wave away plot difficulties with technobabble either undermines the story or forces writers to find increasingly improbable ways to render the cornucopia of advanced technology utterly unsuitable to doing the job.


I agree, however, that setting another series in the "past" would not help the franchise. That's why I'm leery about this movie. The notion about Trek has always been that we are progressing, not only technologically, but socially--we are moving forward. I wouldn't mind seeing a series set primarily in the Alpha Quadrant after DS9/Voyager. We never really got to see the aftermath of the Dominion War, since it ended at the same time as DS9 did, and Voyager was set in the Delta Quadrant. All we have to go on are what's established in the TNG movies. I realize that there's been books written on the subject (not to mention sims :)) but that's no substitute for seeing it on screen. It would also allow for the occasional cameo from previous Trek regulars.

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Well, as fun as that would be, I believe that (as of the Battle Of Betazed in the pro-lit series, right after Semptok Nor was destroyed & the Jem Hadar were pushed-back & defeated by a captured sociopathic Betazoid prisoner leading a revolt via telepathic "domination" by better trained/experienced Betazoids,) Lwaxana was promoted to the head of Betazed's Provisional Government.


I'd love to see Lwaxana Troi brought back in a cameo appearance, but I fear you wouldn't be able to do more than that except under extremely dire circumstances.

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