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Archie Phoenix

The Laugher and the Drooler

Archie leaned over Jordan’s prone form wondering when … or even -if- the medical team he’d called for would arrive. His comm-exchange with the medical officer was puzzling. He recognized the voice as the same doctor he’d met in Sickbay just a few minutes earlier. It would be uncharacteristic enough for a doctor to laugh at a request for immediate medical assistance, but that doctor looked like a Bajoran; what little Archie knew about the Bajoran people was enough to suggest that they were a very somber people.


Archie glanced around main engineering. A few crewmen had gathered around to find out why Jordan passed out, but Lieutenant Sema’J still had not returned from his investigation of the containment systems. Archie was already contemplating lifting Jordan off the deck and carrying her to Sickbay himself when a nurse and a medtech arrived in engineering.


“Ah, good,” Archie said to the nurse as she rushed to Jordan’s side with her scanner. “Ensign Black lost consciousness just a moment ago.”


“Did anything happen beforehand?” The nurse asked as she scanned.


“Ah … she was coughing quite a bit. She seemed to be struggling for air. Just before that it seemed to be getting warmer in engineering, but the environ--”


“She’s having an allergic reaction,” the Nurse interrupted. She nodded to the medtech. “We’ll transport her to Sickbay.”


“Oh …” Archie stood upright and stepped back. What is it that Jordan would say if she were conscious right now? “Bugger.” The two medical crew gave him bewildered stares as they shimmered out of main engineering.


The small assembly of engineering crew dispersed, and Archie sighed softly to himself. Now his routine engineering duties would be really boring. Who would he talk to with both Sam and Jordan away? His few attempts to engage the crewmen in conversation had not gone well. Most of them seemed to be frightened of anything resembling social interaction. Petty Officer Irwin N. Dexter (’the drooler,’ as the engineering staff nicknamed him) simply stared at him as if he had three heads. Sam, Jordan, and Joe were the only engineers whose company he enjoyed (even if his company was not enjoyed in return).


As Archie returned moodily to his station, a though occurred to him. Hey, I’m not even supposed to be on duty yet … seeing as how I haven’t undergone my medical examination. And I -was- supposed to make those modifications to the systems in Sickbay. I certainly shouldn’t be here!


“Crewman Erde, take my station.” Archie turned and walked toward the lift. “I’m going to Sickbay.”

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