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Cptn Corizon

Rebellion Unfolds

Colonel qa'Kjiik hissed angrily as another round of fire pummeled his warship. Using three eyes he monitored the holographic displays, while his other eyes monitored the alcove below his command dias.


The Scorpiad hissed again as another round buried into the organic hull of the g'Jak-class warship. “Bring us about, target the lead vessel with primary batteries... fire at will.”


Outside, the black-gray vessels that had brought so much terror to the Gamma Quadrant fought feverishly to maintain their hold on the system they orbited. The lead ship, Death Gazer, turned suddenly on axis, an astonishing maneuver for most ships it's size, and opened fire with purple-pink reign of phased gravitons that struck the offending vessel—a black dagger shaped vessel that had once fought along side the Death Gazer. The Al-Ucard ship shuddered under the fire and began breaking, violently, into pieces.


Turning their attention to only one ship proved a fatal mistake for the crew of the Death Gazer, as three Hunter-class heavy cruisers locked their primary weapons onto the Death Gazer nearly paralyzing the ship as its organic hull overloaded from the energy being absorbed. Fractures began appearing over the once gooey-surface as it turned hard as rock and began dying. In a mater of moments, the once proud warship was nothing but dust and explosions.


In the command center of now-lead ship, Flaming Wrath, Colonel Lejkkijh hissed fiercely as his body cavity went flat. The Leri-Scorpiad clicked his slender, yet deadly claws together angrily. “I told them we should never have given the Al-Ucard or the Eratians modern weaponry from our own ships.”


Fuming he turned on the dais, peering down, ominously at the communications officer. “Order the fleet into ka't'ek formation. Form up our wings and fall back to the second pere....”


He didn't get a chance to finish. The heavy guns of the Al-Ucard mothership Killing Strike unloaded a brutal barrage, ending the battle for the Colonel.


With nearly their entire defense force of the outpost destroyed, the remaining Scorpiad vessels broke their attacks and faded into subspace. For the Empire... and for the Rebellion... it was a turning point. In the past months, the Al-Ucard and Eratian forces had occasionally engaged small Scorpiad fleets or minor garrisons, never a full sector defense force. And even more shocking, they'd wiped the floor the Scorpiads all-conquering Gjak Battlestars.


Tonight, fires would burn in celebration. Tonight, was a great victory over tyranny. Tonight, was a night where heads would roll.

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Makes me want to RP an Al-Ucard. About time the clickity clicks were taken down a few notches.

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