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Captain Huff

The Hood Moves to 10!

At long last I've accepted that some people have real jobs...!

(Translation: *I* have to get up earlier on Wednesdays than I used to. ;)


What does this mean for you? It simply means that if bedtime has been keeping you from coming to Hood sims, you just got an extra hour!


Now... About those other changes... Ooo...


Will the donuts stay, or go stale??

Will the coffee stay or be replaced with re-synthesized biomatter??

Will Chef keep his job as head pastry chef for Starbucks International?

Will Huff stay in prison?

Will O'Toole stay on Altoid?

Will Ksanders start a peanut farm or stay as Chief of Operations??

Will Admiral Bethany get the last laugh or has her reign of terror finally ended?


And... WHO... is the new Hood First Officer..........????


Tune in Tuesdays at 10!


PS. As we shuffle some of those top positions around, we have some departmental chief positions opening up. If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]. See you Tuesday!


~Huff the Buff~

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