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"In the Eyes of a Paranoid Romulan"

Personal Log: Marius (of the G.E.S. Excalibur)



Stardate: 0804.21



::Record Initiated::


Marius stood at the replicators. In his hands, he held a few communicator badges, while the industrial sized producer shot out more badges by the handful. Marius twiddled with his own communicator, eyes shifting from side to side.


Marius breathed a sigh of relief. He had been scared that Admiran might have found his true geneaology. Marius stared at the communicator, old memories floating over his head again, as they always did...

Marius crouched under the bed, quivering with fear. His parents were screaming and pleading somewhere nearby. His mother's voice cried out,"Please... Please..."

"Shut it, traitor!" A loud bang, and suddenly Marius was face to face with his mother, her eyes red with tears. Then, just as suddenly, she was hauled to her feet, and disappeared. Then, two large boots stomped in, and a heavy, gruff voice proclaimed, "You are both under arrest for association with the Romulan Rebels. By the law of the Gaian Empire, you are both sentenced to death..."


Marius snapped out of his reverie, rubbing the tips of his ears. Marius thought back again. He had eventually been taken in at the orphanage, where he tried to pass off as Vulcan. When he was of age, the orphanage chose for him to join the armed forces. On his examination going into Starfleet, he had passed out a few times leading up to meeting with the counselor, but luckily passed with only a warning of mild paranoia.


Marius looked over his shoulder, his paranoia returning. He was so close to being discovered... First his small picture of his parents had been discovered, the only keepsake he had salvaged. Eventually, they'd have to check his name, his background... It was only a matter of time...


Beep! Marius jumped as the replicator spit out the last few badges of the current batch. Marius composed himself, and regained his facade. He grabbed a small handheld crate, tossing in about enough badges for the Engineering crew.



Crewman Kent, hearing the replicator, decided to go and stare at Marius. He turned the corner, preparing his evil eyes...


And stood bewildered, his evil stare completely forgotten, with Marius nowhere in sight.



::Record Terminated::

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