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Cptn Corizon

Missed Opportunities

Note: This log takes place several hours after the Funeral for the Pilots, and near the second 'day' of SL


“Eli,” the soft, harmonious voice of his lab assistant, Keri Thomas called. “We're on leave, yet you're still here... looking at the autopsy reports from the dead pilots.”


Eli Tamoris, Chief Medical Examiner aboard the USS Excalibur, nodded with a heavy sigh. “Yeah, I am.”


Wrapping a gentle arm around him she squeezed lightly. “Those scans will still be here in a few days. You should go planetside, get some sun, enjoy the fresh air. God only knows the next time the Captain will feel like stretching the crew's legs.”


“I just can't,” he said finally. “I just can't get over how... how precise this was.”


Sighing, Keri released from her superior officer's body and headed across the room to the replicator.


“I am starting to find evidence of what Doctor Patterson and Lieutenant Ramson suggested... that somehow they used advanced transporter technology to remove the blood... but still it's just hard to fathom transporter technology that advanced...”


“Victria told me,” Keri said, activating the replicator, “that even the Scorpiads don't have that kind of technology.”


“I asked Ambassador Jerella to check with the Vorta Lexin to see if he could find any record of that kind of technology in Dominion records,” Eli said, “but I am not holding my breath.”


Removing the silver cup that had materialized in the replicator, Keri started back towards Eli.she'd hoped he'd join her for some leave... and maybe more, but sadly the handsome young Argosian male was always to stuck in his work to see the opportunity that was right in front of him. “Here,” she said putting the cup down directly in his vision. “It will help you relax a little bit... you're always so tense.”


Smiling he took the cup and put it to his lips. “Sunberry tea,” he said with a smile. “My mother always gave it to me when I was doing homework...”


“I know,” she said with a half-hearted smile. Why couldn't he just take her in his arms? Oh, if only he had a little more initiative.


“Well,” he said placing the cup at his side and turning his attention back to his reports. “You'd better get going, I don't want you to waste your leave sitting around here watching me sift through records. Like you said you never know when the Captain will give us leave like this again.”


She smiled slightly and nodded. “Well if you change your mind, I am headed down to a beach on the coast of the southern continent, I think Doctor Ja'Kal and a few of her friends from Science are going down there too...”


“Okay,” he said absently. “Have a good time.”

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