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Major Cloud


The CMB buzzed with activity, lockers opened and shut with almost gleeful force. The various members of the 26th Marine Company were suiting up for a little 'fun' as the Major had put it. They were actually going to get to do some work they'd be trained to do, this time sweeping for contraband.


In his office, Cloud Makisu leaned back into his chair with a wide grin on his face. He'd know Corizon off and on for a few years now, and this certainly had to be one of the most amusing stunts he'd ever seen the Dameon—or any Commanding officer pull.


Word was that the gold shirts had the fortitude to not only search general quarters for contraband weapons, but also the sheer stupidity to search Corizon's personal quarters and try and take something. Apparently, the dog was on the warpath.


Major, I want you to do me a favor...


Of course Captain.


I'd like a thorough sweep of security quarters done. And when I say thorough, I mean it.


It was the wink that told the Major everything he needed to know. Besides creeping him out, it also meant that the Captain wanted to send a message that certain things weren't kosher. If it meant ruffling the goldshirts, Makisu was all for it.


So now the 26th was getting prepped for major action. Makisu had decided that sweeping the quarters one at time wouldn't do. That would be to easy for Segami to find out about and go beg Corizon to stop...that clearly hadn't been what the Captain wanted. Instead, the Marines would show up in force and search all of the Security quarters at the same time. By search, he meant tear apart. After all they were looking for weapons and god only knows what else those security goons could have hidden away. And hey, you couldn't trust sensor scans, now could you.


A wide grin was forming on the Major's face. Oh this was going to be fun.

Edited by Major Cloud

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