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Ze Log keb and doug recording

The brig of the ISS Manticore. A few hours have passed since the Admiral's death. Keb sat glumly with her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands on a bunk. “I should have killed him when I had the chance,” she muttered. Doug, doing push ups and minding his own business, said, “I wonder what’s going on the rest of the ship.” Keb kicked Doug in frustration, because he happened to be there. Doug looked up at her. “What was that for?” “Can't you do that over there?” “There is no room over there. Why can’t you move over there?” “I was here first. This is all Escher's fault. And they put him in a different cell. Jerks.” Doug looked at Keb. “I can’t wait to get back at Faldek for this.” Keb shrugged. “They said the admiral was killed. I bet Faldek wanted the glory to himself. I didn't even want him killed.” “I had a feeling they planned this,” Doug said. “I think Precip’s involved too.” But Keb was barely paying attention. “Who cares? I only went along with it because I wanted Escher out of the way, and I was trapped.” “Do you have any ideas on how we can escape?” Doug asked her, looking around the brig. “If I had my bag--but Escher and Faldek destroyed it--it's hopeless.” Keb buried her head in her hands. Doug pounded his fist on the wall out of frustration. Keb looked up at the noise. “He got you the same way, didn't he? Stuck in the brig...” “Let’s just say if I had my way he would be thrown out an airlock.” “If he takes Escher with him, I'm in. Only before the airlock, there should be blood.” Doug nodded. “Agreed. A phaser on high would do the trick, but how would we get one?” He punched the bulkhead again. “It’s pointless. We can’t get out of this cell!” Keb seemed much calmer. “Phaser isn't painful enough. Well, a normal one. Look, it's no use, I told you. I don't have any tools. I don't have any parts. I've got nothing but this stupid sash on my uniform.” Doug looked Keb over. ”I suppose Faldek took your combadge, didn’t he?” “Course.” Keb untied her sash, thinking. “Then Kyle is next on my list.” Keb didn’t look up from the shiny fabric. “What'd he do to you?” “Injected me with toxins a small amount they used for the bio weapons.” “Oh, is that all?” She looked supremely unconcerned, but fascinated with the sash. Doug frowned at her. “It was very painful. If I get out, I’m going to give him a higher amount of the toxin.” It was as if Keb hadn’t even heard him. “Give me your sash. Two of them would be just long enough...” “What are you doing?” he asked, handing over his sash. “Well, there are more ways to kill a man than a phaser, you know...” She tied the two sashes together with a square knot. “How? He’s twice our size. Even if we get out, then what? Then the bridge will be after us.” In a cheerful voice, she asked, “Ever heard of garroting?” Doug shook his head. “I haven’t.” Keb smiled at him, flourishing the sashes. “Ancient form of torture and execution...somewhat like hanging.” He seemed more interested in planning than history lessons. “Even if we do get out we would have to take command.” “I don't care about command,” Keb replied. “Escher will suffer. That's all that matters now.” “The command staff will hunt us down if we don’t eliminate them” “So?” She tied a hangman’s knot in one end of the long sash. “Hm,” he said thoughtfully. “Did McFly seem to be on our side or Faldek’s?” Keb shrugged, holding up the loop. “Think this will fit over Escher's fat head?” Doug avoided the question and asked his own. “Do you have access to phasers? I want to kill Faldek.” “I'm in the same brig you are. Did they issue you a phaser at the door? But,” she added, smiling cheerfully and sing-songing the rest, “I've got a garrote....” Doug was serious. “You know, I was going to turn on Faldek, but he tricked me.” Keb held up the noose toward him like a gift. “It could be used twice...if we're fast. I'll need your help, though.” He nodded. “What can I do?” She closed her eyes thoughtfully. “We have to find a way to get to them. That's all.” “Did you see who was in security last?” She shrugged. “No. I was thinking about all the lovely sharp things in my bag and how pretty they'd have looked embedded in Escher's flesh.” Doug’s eyes flashed as he envisioned grand plans. “You know, I do have command experience. We can take the whole ship and put it on lock down.” “And how do you propose we get out of the brig? I'm not sure garroting all these guys is going to help us.” Keb made a sweeping gesture at the company in their cell. Doug whispered to her. “Watch.” Then he turned towards the forcefield, yelling. “Hey, someone let us out of here!” He slapped the forcefield. She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you keep doing that.” She ran her fingers happily along the sash noose and giggled.

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