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"Subterfuge And Setups"

Subterfuge And Setups


A Joint Eagle And Swan Production:


Swan closely monitored the vitals of Eagle as they started to rise steadily, Indicating he was coming around. She smiled as his condition improved...Happy in the knowledge she was able to make a positive difference in the outcome in the preceding incident. "Take it easy Mr.Eagle she spoke softly but firmly...Your going to be alright now".


Opening his eyes,Attempting to focus...Eagle looked up to see Katherine smiling back.What in blue blazes happened...Where are we?, This is not the shuttle. Am I dreaming or was I out cold?.


Swan replied after a few moments.."You were out cold Mr.Eagle", Your ok now, Just take it easy for a bit..you had quite a concussion. We are back on the Arcadia and you are in sickbay. I have some reports to finish...you know the never ending ones that plague us all,Turning away as she smiled...satisfied her patient was ok now.


Sitting up a bit Eagle turned with a look of puzzlement on his face..."Arcadia??"...still a bit dizzy from the ordeal,trying to adjust..."The Crew", Are the crew members all accounted for?,Any others injured...what hit us?. The last thing I remember was ordering Doug T. to establish a routine comm link with the ship..so not to raise any suspicions, Then out of no where we were being approached by someone...I ordered the helmsman to bring us back here to the ship. Then snap my world went black.


You have any Aspirin Doc ...rubbing his head and grinning a bit..So we all got back safely then, Good. Thank God for our shuttles cloaking abilities. We did gather a rather large amount of Intel data from the planet to boot...not bad at all.


"well sir"...was Katerines reply as she turned back to him..."we did not exactly get back all that safely. We were locked onto by a tractor beam and drawn into one of the ships that were pursuing us. There were other injuries ..but thank goodness they were all minor, they received most of those when the shot their way out of the other ships shuttle bay.,Katherine began to have a look of anguish on her features as she remembered and related the incident.


Aghast with disbelief Eagle listened and replied...It's ok,relax...Did we uncloak or do anything else to give our position away?...The last thing I remember we were cloaked practically invisible to any other parties.


"No"..We were cloaked she replied...That's what has the other team members puzzled as it pertains to the other ship being enabled to locate and lock onto us so easily when in theory we should have not been visible to others.


So to sum it up,we were caught,tractored aboard one of their ships, And then the crew in the shuttle "Blasted" their way out of the ships bay...Well so much for the little matter of diplomacy and forging new relationships with a new race. This incident takes the mission to a whole new level of diplomacy.


Hmm...The only way I am aware of to track a cloaked ship is by either attaching a tracer transmitter to the vessel...or one of us had to have one on us, Some type of homing and ranging device.


Swan looked on ...I guess so,Last I knew was that the other crew whom were not injured went to the bridge. as I was leaving the Transporter room with you they were beaming the Captain and his team back to the ship.


Acknowledged...good at least the other team is safe,less chance of a hostage situation arising , Looking across the room Eagle was looking for Kens body, I presume Ken is in stasis by now...right?.


No..he is on a bio bed in the Isolation ward. I was to busy working on you and the others injured to proceed with anything with him. There is no bringing him back...His brain functions were non existent, Nodding back towards the back of sickbay..If you feel up to it , I can take you back to where he is.


Eagle stood up from his bed...I do indeed, And bring your main medical scanner with you... I want a full scan series done on him. If my hunch is correct, We may have the way we were tracked right here in sickbay with us...right now. I remember back on the planet he was definitely shy about having either you or Samantha doing any scans on him. A bit too shy for my taste.


Picking up the remote PADD for the main scanner and leading the way to the isolation with Eagle in tow..."You think he knew all along there was something going on?.


Among all the subterfuge there is a truth among all of this mess. One, He may or may not have known what was going on, Two , I have the distinct feeling we all were being set up from the information you relayed to me, Three, We shall see if my hunch bears out. Should the hunch bear out it may just be a much needed break for us to find out who,or at the very least whom is behind all of this.


In the Isoward Katherine began the detailed scans of the deceased man before her. Katherine's eyes widened when she heard the "beep" on the main scanner,She read the reading on the PADD display . "Um there is something here, It is not very big though. It appears to be about the size of a stylus point...She turned affording Eagle to look at the image and data for himself. Is this what you were looking for?.


Eagle looking intently at the screen display replied..."That may be indeed just what I was looking for. Ok I want that object surgically removed...carefully and stored for a Science and or Engineer to have a closer look at it. It appears to be some kind of a micro transmitter device. We need to know from where, And more importantly from whom it originated from. I am heading for the bridge now, Comm me when you have the device removed and stored please.


Alright, I will get right on it now sir...I will advise you when the procedure is completed.Eagle nodded and headed for the door as Katherine turned and began preparation for working on the removal of the object from the deceased man .

Edited by eagle

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