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“Kitteh Iz Not On Ur Radar”


USS Agincourt NCC-81762

“Kitteh Iz Not On Ur Radar”


USS Agincourt, Bridge Tactical Station


Petty Officer Third Class Marisa Katt swore softly under her breath. She re-calibrated the SitRep program sensors, and tried a direct data feed sensor loop in order to try a tap into the communicator line. Nothing worked.


The commander was off the radar. It could be anything at this point – a patch of interference with the sensors, maybe the cat had gone out of bounds…but that really wasn’t likely. The most unpleasant thought was that the feline had gotten hit with hostile fire and was unable to respond in any capacity.


The Spanish woman turned halfway around in her chair in order to address the ‘Courts commander directly. “Colonel Harper, Commander JoNs has just dropped from the SitRep tracking programs sensors, and I can’t locate her…”



Soltan Prison Planet, Outer Perimeter Sniper Team


Lieutenant Commander Kansas JoNs swore softly under her breath. The security chief tapped a paw at the comm badge pinned to the upper left chest area of her black fatigues. Nothing. She stayed hidden in the tall grass and short scrub oak and tapped at the device again, trying to raise Nimetti using their mission op call signs, “Dee Jay, this is Will, please come in…”


The feline security chief’s communicator badge was fried. It had gone to static on her a few hours prior to the implementation of the security sniper and marine assault operation, but she hadn’t thought anything of it; the interference had only lasted a few seconds after all. Now though it appeared that she was in a slight predicament, Murphy be damned. Her green eyes latched onto the distant area a couple of kilometers away where she knew that Lieutenant Nimetti was hunkered down and working on clearing out his assigned perimeter section of the prison. She could try and make it over to his position, or maybe even the section that Master Chief Keltex was working. Doubled up with one of her men, at least she’d have access to a working communicator line, and with two of the security squids working together, that would be one side of the prison doubly secured.


After only a few seconds thought (or was that tactical panic mode?), the feline had made her decision: she was going to maintain her own sniper position and continue providing her section of the cover fire for the marine assault team. Lacking a working communicator was a risk but it wasn’t a debilitating factor. It was her call, and right or wrong she went with it; leaving an entire area of the prison perimeter exposed was not her idea of covering the shark ground team. Besides, getting thrown a curve ball every once and a while kept you sharp.


With her adrenaline spiking even more from the unexpected thrill of going off the radar from the Agincourt tracking sensors, Kansas just went with the moment and continued to fire her phaser rifle at any Soltan guard who happened to present themselves in her line of sight.

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See? Big taboo cat not flock!


Said so.


I feel the need to share the player response to this, and the character response:


The player is laughing her you know what off.


The character is downright incensed - "I beg your pardon? I'll flock you Bats."

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