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Attrition Ratios

Tia considered her brilliant scientific suggestions that the warriors had thus far been unenthusiastic about. Drive the ship into the mine field, wait for the mines to come, pick them off with phasers, and hope they didn’t miss any. Brute force. Risk involved. Perhaps there was a reason for a lack of enthusiasm?


Jammers not targetable as they are shielded behind large asteroids. Answer: blow up the rocks. Less risk. A lot of brute force?


Apparently, the mighty warriors wanted something more subtle? Less brute force? Not satisfied with recommendations of larger explosions?


Tia reviewed her scans, trying to think through the stalemate. Dust everywhere. Jammers behind rocks projecting energy into dust. Mobile mines shifting position in the energized dust. Something needed to penetrate well into the dust and mines to target the jammers. The mines programmed to move towards big ships, ignoring small objects such as probes, runabouts and perhaps fighters. Jammers very targetable as they are screaming out energy, while the passive mines were much harder to spot.


Fine. Something too small to be selected as a mine target, but still able to take out a jammer. She needed... a sensor package capable of homing on jammers... a propulsion system suitable for medium short range... and weapons system. A nice little matter-antimatter explosion would do nicely. Brute force, yes. Somehow, a little bit of brute force seemed appropriate.


Tia called up her probe configuration package again, then checked her attrition rate. Thus far, she had launched two probes, one of which was lost. 50%


Two jammer targets, requiring two more probes? This was not going to help her attrition ratio.

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