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LeftEar JoNs


Executive Officers Personal Log

Supplemental Entry


“Our current situation remains unchanged.


An away team - comprised of officers from the science, engineering and security departments and led by Commander Teykier – was left on the HaVorante proto-Vortan planet to further study the ancient ruins located outside the main city. Hopefully, the team can determine the extent to which the technology found inside the ruins is Dominion based, and if there is any hidden data regarding where we might locate the device that will lead us to the Founders….that is a lot of ifs isn’t it?


Meanwhile, the Excalibur had set off in search of a fighter patrol that had gone missing and got pounded by about a dozen or so flippin’ mines. We tracked our missing flight crew to what appears to be a nebula liberally peppered with a mine field. The assumption is that our pilots are trapped inside.


Medical was kept busy with injuries incurred from the mine blasts, and I am currently waiting on a casualty report from the department.


The mines do show on our scanners as a pre-set grid pattern, almost like a chess board. The fact that they showed up at all on our sensors is encouraging; if the mines had been rigged to be out of phase and then suddenly pop themselves into our path once getting a lock on us, that would have made things a bit more interesting and a lot more deadly. But, we still have interference from the energies swirling in the nebula, and we still haven’t determined if the damn mines are cloaked or attracted to the hull of the ship, and so for now the Excalibur remains on station keeping just outside the nebula.


The bridge team, the tactical team, and main engineering are all brainstorming ideas to find a way to get us through the nebula, either by neutralizing the mines or finding a ‘back door’ to get to our pilots. Regardless, if the risk is too great, I refuse to put anyone else in danger or the ship in the line of fire again, and I’ll take the matter up with Captain Corizon if need be. I’ve already informed our CAG officer Ramson that if we can’t come up with some sort of alternative method around the minefield, we will leave…or rather, I will leave...the pilots.


…I just hope that I didn’t come across as much of a cold and heartless b*tch to Lieutenant Ramson as I sounded to myself…


… I’ve always disliked chess…”


End recording

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