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Brian T. Riley

A Brief Introduction

Hello all. I must say I am glad to find the STSF, especially since I am an evacuee of the remnants of SFOL on AOL. I started there in '94 and served on the late USS Renegade durring the civil war (for those who remember that far back). I resigned in a huff after her captain destroyed her and helped found a rival sim group, ST: Genesis. I also spent a good chunk of time inhabiting TFL (Ten Forward Lounge). Then I took a few years off. I recently looked back in on AOL(when it turned free) and found SFOL and any remnants of that community splintered and/or gone.


I look forward to finding a bit of that commraderie and creative RPing that I enjoyed so much in the halcyon years of SFOL. I hope to see you all and soon.


Brian T. Riley

-former Lt. SFOL

-former GM ST:Genesis/ST:Federation and Beyond

-former...too many too list.

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You probably know the format for simming but Tips from the Moose are always fun to read. The How-to page will help you get used to our style of simming. And look for the schedule for sims you can attend. The times are in EST so you have to adjust for whatever timezone you live in.

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Welcome to STSF, Brian!

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You shouldn't have much trouble fitting in. STSF started with a grand exodus from SFOL, with many of the ships switching over intact, and many hosts making the jump. The style and notations are pretty well compatible. There may be a theme shift on many ships, away from TNG, towards a darker and more militaristic approach.


Welcome back into the fold!


Bob / Joy

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You shouldn't have much trouble fitting in. STSF started with a grand exodus from SFOL, with many of the ships switching over intact, and many hosts making the jump. The style and notations are pretty well compatible. There may be a theme shift on many ships, away from TNG, towards a darker and more militaristic approach.


Welcome back into the fold!


Bob / Joy



Wasn't that the case with DS9/Voyager (I discount Enterprise because it bothered more than entertained) durring the last seasons? Thats ok though. It is a brave new galaxy with more species upset with us than ever before. Gorn, Breen, Dominion, Romulan(still), Cardassia I am sure holds some lingering frustration about getting whupped so soundly twice in less than a decade, Vidiian, Kazon, Malon, Devore, Hirogen, oh...and of course the Borg(though I hold personal reservations as to whether or not they are actually still a threat).


The vessels themselves have become more specialized in response to economic and survivablity concerns. Omni-use vessels are out. Adaptable or single-use are in. The Intrepid class as a long duration explorer, Steamrunner as a known-space response and patrol, Defiant as a gunship. Arguably so is the Sovereign class, for while it has vast scientific ability, some is sacrificed for armmament that could take down small moons.


But I digress and could technobabble all day (those who wish to do so, feel free to call) The point was made that STSF is tending to be more militaristic. I can understand why considering the pathway that was drawn by the caretakers of the franchise.



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Oh...and thank you very much for the welcome Joy :D



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gress and could technobabble all day (those who wish to do so, feel free to call) The point was made that STSF is tending to be more militaristic. I can understand why considering the pathway that was drawn by the caretakers of the franchise.




It will be interesting to see where they go with the new Constitution Class movie. They are embracing the old uniforms and ship design. Are they going to be true to the characters and ideals as well?

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There may be a theme shift on many ships, away from TNG, towards a darker and more militaristic approach.


Yes, we're very influenced by Voyager, DS9, and the TNG movies in addition to the TNG series. And, we're influenced by the general trends in contemporary sci-fi toward realism, see, for example, Firefly and Battlestar Galactica. The Federation doesn't always represent the good guys, our crews sometimes come up with the wrong solutions and mess things up. Is that what you mean by "darker?"


That could, but doesn't necessarily mean that we're universally "more militaristic," though. One repeated theme on the shows and in STSF plots is the decision between following the idealist's solution and following the militarist's solution, or trying to find a happy medium where you don't throw your ideals completely out the window. In some cases, what you should do from the ideals "on paper" is not even entirely clear (we're having one of those plots on Arcadia now).

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It will be interesting to see where they go with the new Constitution Class movie. They are embracing the old uniforms and ship design. Are they going to be true to the characters and ideals as well?


If the rumor mills are true (see article in TV Guide) then no. They seem to have the intention in this movie of sending the old testament of the ST:Bible thru the crosscut paper shredder. Supposedly James Kirk is a cheating slacker in the Academy and the Constitution class we see in the previews was built in Area 51. (that seems a bit stolen from SG-1)



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Supposedly James Kirk is a cheating slacker in the Academy


Well, that bit has been a part of ST canon since TWOK; well the cheating part. He danced around the subject while in the Genesis Cave, and to Saavik's uncertain "What?" David gave the short answer. And his womanizing days in the Academy are also firmly entrenched from TOS.


and the Constitution class we see in the previews was built in Area 51. (that seems a bit stolen from SG-1)


Why not Groom Lake? San Fransisco has precious little free space to build a massive starship, unless the Federation wants to use "Eminent Domain" and seize land from civilians and businesses for Starfleet's shipyards, or you want to dike off a large chunk of SF Bay, and get the environmental types in a twist. Although it does seem odd that they'd waste the effort to build a massive heavy cruiser inside that atmosphere and not in orbit, in a pressurized space drydock.


Oh, by the way, welcome back to the wonderful world of ST simming

Edited by will_marx

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Why not Groom Lake? San Fransisco has precious little free space to build a massive starship, unless the Federation wants to use "Eminent Domain" and seize land from civilians and businesses for Starfleet's shipyards, or you want to dike off a large chunk of SF Bay, and get the environmental types in a twist. Although it does seem odd that they'd waste the effort to build a massive heavy cruiser inside that atmosphere and not in orbit, in a pressurized space drydock.


Thats really where I have the problem. By that point in time, I would assume a good portion of the raw materials would be shipped in from off planet. If not from interstellar points. The energy expenditure to bring the materials down, not to mention getting a vessel that is slightly larger than a Fleet Carrier out of the Earth's gravity well seems quite a waste. In any case, wasn't a spacedock constructed in Earth orbit by the end of the Enterprise series?



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Hello all. I must say I am glad to find the STSF, especially since I am an evacuee of the remnants of SFOL on AOL. I started there in '94 and served on the late USS Renegade durring the civil war (for those who remember that far back). I resigned in a huff after her captain destroyed her and helped found a rival sim group, ST: Genesis. I also spent a good chunk of time inhabiting TFL (Ten Forward Lounge). Then I took a few years off. I recently looked back in on AOL(when it turned free) and found SFOL and any remnants of that community splintered and/or gone.


I look forward to finding a bit of that commraderie and creative RPing that I enjoyed so much in the halcyon years of SFOL. I hope to see you all and soon.


Brian T. Riley

-former Lt. SFOL

-former GM ST:Genesis/ST:Federation and Beyond

-former...too many too list.


Good to see you again, Brian. Shades of Ranger -- my, my ::grin::

Looking forward to working with you.

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Good to see you again, Brian. Shades of Ranger -- my, my ::grin::

Looking forward to working with you.


So am I. ::wondering why I feel like a tasty steak in front of a tiger when she grins like that::



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